Indian Journal of Animal Research
Chief EditorM. R. Saseendranath
Print ISSN 0367-6722
Online ISSN 0976-0555
NAAS Rating 6.40
SJR 0.263
Impact Factor 0.4 (2024)
Chief EditorM. R. Saseendranath
Print ISSN 0367-6722
Online ISSN 0976-0555
NAAS Rating 6.40
SJR 0.263
Impact Factor 0.4 (2024)
Evaluation of one-shot vaccination protocol for suppressing reproductive functions in rams using encapsulated ovalbumin-LHRH-7 protein.
Phylogenetic analysis based studies on genetic variation of Cytochrome b gene of Indian peafowl (Pavo cristatus) in Pakistan
Antioxidant potentials of Terminalia catappa leaf extract in Streptozotocin induced diabetes in rats
Synchronization of Nellore Jodipi ewes by different doses of PGF2a
Sequence characterization and polymorphism detection in AQP7 gene of Murrah buffalo
PCR based assay for the detection of cow milk adulteration in buffalo milk
Comparison of microbial protein synthesis and nutrient digestibility of Medicago sativa and Prangos pabularia hay in sheep
Occurrence and antimicrobial susceptibility of bacterial agents of canine pyometra
Sub-acute oral toxicity of Roundup® and ammonium nitrate with special reference to oxidative stress indices in wistar rats
Anaesthetic evaluation of lignocaine alone and in-combination with butorphanol in goats
Determination of diazinon effects on some haematological parameters in rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss
Performance evaluation of Soviet Chinchilla and Californian White rabbit breeds in tropical climatic conditions of India
Determination of morphological and linear udder traits in Morkaraman, Tuj and Awassi sheep
Den habitat selection of the chinese bamboo rat (Rhizomys sinensis) in Northern Guangxi China
Effect of exposure of sound signals in semen collection area on quantity and quality of semen in Hariana bulls
Existing housing and breeding management practices adopted by dairy farmers in Tarai region of Uttarakhand, India
Studies on existing milking and health care practices adopted by dairy farmers in Tarai region of Uttarakhand, India
Quantitative prediction of drinking water intake of Murrah buffalo calves under saline water
The meat quality attributes and nutritional composition of three way synthetic pigs meat as influenced by age at slaughter
Dystocia due to dicephalus monster calf and its surgical management in a crossbred Holstein heifer -A case report
Polymorphism analysis at FecB locus in Kajali sheep of India