Physico-chemical properties of amaranth starch
The amylose content of amaranth starch (AHD) was found to be 3.43%. This affects most of its physiochemical properties. AHD starch has a small average granule size of 2.852 µm, which affects its tendency to absorb water. The swelling power (SP) of AHD starch is 10.29%, which is related to its water binding capacity (WBC) of 199.47%.
The WBC of AHD starch is higher than that of other cereal starches such as wheat (0.44-0.76%) as reported by
Li et al., (2015) and Proso millet (138.43%) as reported by Singh and Adedeji (2017) resulting in better hydration rates within starch molecules and good quality gel formation
(Kaur et al., 2007). The peak temperature (TP) of AHD amaranth starch is 72.41
oC, which is desirable for processing and cooking various food products. AHD amaranth starch has a peak viscosity (PV) of 1796 cp, which is of intermediate viscosity due to its high amylopectin content. The physico-chemical properties of AHD amaranth starch, such as high clarity and pasting characteristics, make it particularly suited for producing transparent edible films. These properties are advantageous for food packaging and preservation applications. Notably, AHD amaranth starch requires a lower temperature for gel formation compared to conventional starches, enhancing its appeal as a suitable base ingredient for edible films formation
(Singh et al., 2014). In developing these films, glycerol was employed as a plasticizer to improve flexibility and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) was used as a cellulosic gum to enhance structural integrity. This combination resulted in edible films with superior quality, meeting the requirements for practical use in the food industry.
Drying kinetics
The effect of temperature variables on the drying characteristics of edible films were studied and different properties were evaluated at different drying conditions (Table 1). It was found that the total drying time decreased significantly with an increase in the temperature of hot air. As the temperature increased from 45 to 65
oC, the drying rate also increased, as shown in Fig 2 and 3. Drying occurred in the falling rate period and faster drying was achieved at higher temperatures up to 65oC, with reduced time. The Arrhenius equation (eqn. 1) was further applied to analyze the dependence of drying rate on temperature.
K = Rate constant.
A = Constant.
Ea = Activation energy.
R = Gas constant.
T = Temperature in Kelvin.
Higher drying temperatures increase the collision rate and kinetic energy, reducing activation energy and validating the Arrhenius equation’s applicability to correlate the rate constant (K) with temperature. For amaranth starch-based films, faster drying improves production efficiency, but non-uniform thickness and surface heterogeneity cause evaporation rate variations, affecting film properties like strength, transparency and barriers. Optimizing drying conditions and addressing these inconsistencies can enhance film quality.
Functional properties of dried and stored films
The thickness of edible films plays a crucial role in determining their mechanical properties and water vapor permeability. An increase in film formation temperature from 45
oC to 65oC led to a reduction in thickness, attributed to the removal of free water (Table 1). Elevated temperatures enhance molecular collision rates, leading to non-uniform drying, which can result in variations in the functional properties of the films, although the final thickness remained uniform. These findings align with the results reported by
Sharma et al., (2018) and
Nascimento et al., (2012). Additionally, the thickness of edible films is influenced by temperature and relative humidity during storage. Films stored at elevated temperature and humidity conditions (45
oC and 75% RH) exhibited increased thickness, whereas films stored at lower conditions (30
oC and 50% RH) showed minimal changes. High humidity facilitates greater moisture uptake due to increased moisture availability and elevated temperatures accelerate this process.
Tensile strength (TS)
Tensile strength values of amaranth starch films ranged from 2.56 to 2.70 MPa, indicating good mechanical properties. This strength is a result of positive interactions between molecules during processing, such as those between amaranth starch, glycerol and cellulosic gum molecules, as well as the specific temperature and humidity conditions.
This study found that the characteristics of dried films are influenced by the rate of change in temperature, thickness and the molecules to molecule interactions during processing. Significant differences in tensile strength were observed and it was found that different combinations of temperature and relative humidity (RH) affected the strength of the films during storage, as presented in Table 2. The tensile strength of the edible films was observed to decrease over time. The results showed that storing the films under elevated temperature and humidity conditions resulted in better strength. Similar findings have been reported by
Sukhija et al., (2016).
The study found that the solubility of the edible films at different drying temperatures ranged from 33.23 to 37.50%, as shown in Table 1. Increase in drying temperature led to decline in solubility. It may be attributed to decrease in interaction between the hydroxyl groups of AHD chains and other components, leading to a decrease in the availability of hydroxyl groups and thus reducing polysaccharide-water interactions. This in turn would result in a decrease in the films’ solubility
(Salarbashi et al., 2013). The solubility values ranging from 33% to 38% are considered optimal for edible films prepared from starch and its derivatives. However, low solubility can result in a slower rate of degradation, while high solubility values can lead to the disposal of the material/packaging in a short time
(Onyeaka et al., 2022; Balaji et al., 2022).
During the study, it was observed that as the thickness of the edible films reduced, the solubility of the films increased while water permeation also increased. Significant differences in solubility values were found when the films were exposed to different temperature and relative humidity (RH) conditions, as shown in Table 2. Edible films stored at high temperature (45
oC) and high humidity (75%) exhibited a higher solubility compared to the films stored at lower temperature (30
oC) and humidity (50%). This may be due to the availability of more moisture, more absorption in the edible films under high humidity and accelerated temperature conditions. As a result, the inter-molecular binding of the matrix developed from starch, plasticizer and CMC together becomes loosened.
Water vapor permeability
The water vapor permeability (WVP) values of the prepared amaranth starch-based edible films ranged from 2.03 to 2.94 x 10-1 g/ms Pa (Table 1). Moisture transfer significantly affects many functions of edible films and this attribute is controlled by the vapor permeation rate. A lower water vapor permeation property of a packaging material is of great importance as it offers numerous advantages to the packed food and also results in increased shelf life of the packaging material. The major application of the film is to act as a barrier against moisture, prevent deteriorative reactions and avoid shrinkage of unpackaged foods due to water loss
(Sukhija et al., 2016).
Edible films dried at 65
oC exhibited minimum water vapor permeation and there were significant differences observed in water vapor permeation for different combinations of temperature and relative humidity. Films stored at high temperature and relative humidity (45
oC and 75% respectively) showed higher water vapor permeation rates, which may be due to the plasticizing effect of moisture and migration through the capillary macro-porous structure of the films
(Long et al., 2023). WVP is influenced by both the relative humidity gradient on one side of the film and it increases with temperature as demonstrated by its depen-dence on temperature by Arrhenius equation at moderate temperatures
(Chinma et al., 2015). Moreover, WVP values linearly increased with an increase in the solubility of the films and water diffusion rate during storage, as shown in Table 2.
Light transmittance
The transparency of amaranth starch films is an important characteristic for customer appeal, especially in the packaging of fruits/vegetables. After drying, the films exhibited excellent transparency ranging from 98.12-98.68% (Table 1). During storage at accelerated conditions, transparency was not significantly affected by lower temperature and humidity conditions. However, high temperature and humidity conditions resulted in decreased transmittance due to greater water plasticization of the matrices that enhanced molecular mobility moisture migration and subsequent swelling of the films during storage, as shown in Table 2. Similar results have been reported by
Huntrakul et al., (2020) during storage of cassava starch based edible films.
Surface morphology (SEM)
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) analysis of the optimized amaranth starch (AHD) edible films revealed a homogeneous and crack-free surface. The films exhibited a smooth and uniform starch matrix, with partially gelatinized starch granules visible under higher magnifications (5000x and 7500x). These observations suggest strong interactions among the film components, including amaranth starch, the plasticizer and CMC, contributing to the film’s integrity and structural properties. Intrinsic porosity in the film structure due to the formulation or processing conditions might be revealed at higher magnifications. The detailed microstructural characteristics are presented in Fig 4a.
The developed edible films were evaluated for their effectiveness as a coating for apples. Edible coating solutions were prepared and applied by immersing apples in the optimized formulation (Fig 4b). After coating, the apples were dried at room temperature and the performance of the filmogenic solutions to form edible coating was assessed. The apples were successfully edible coated, demonstrating the feasibility of the edible solution in coating the apple by immersion method. Future research will focus on assessing the impact of the coating on apple quality during storage.