Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research

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Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 38 issue 2 (june 2019) : 114-120

Probiotic Potential of Noni and Mulberry Juice Fermented with Lactic Acid Bacteria

Aditya Chaudhary, Vishnu Sharma, Baljeet S Saharan
1Department of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences, Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women's University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
Cite article:- Chaudhary Aditya, Sharma Vishnu, Saharan S Baljeet (2019). Probiotic Potential of Noni and Mulberry Juice Fermented with Lactic Acid Bacteria. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 38(2): 114-120. doi: 10.18805/ajdfr.DR-1435.
The present study assesses the feasibility of noni and mulberry as a raw substrate for the production of probiotic noni and mulberry juice by lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus plantarum SK-3 and Pediococcus acidilactici M-3). Changes in pH, titratable acidity (lactic acid), cell survival, and antioxidant properties were examined during fermentation. Both the strains grew well in noni juice and mulberry juice after 48 hour fermentation. P. acidilactici M-3 produced less lactic acid than L. plantarum SK-3. After 28 days of cold storage, both tested strains survived the low-pH conditions in fermented noni juice and mulberry juice. Both the juices fermented with L. plantarum SK-3 had a high antioxidant capacity. The noni and mulberry juice fermented with L. plantarum SK-3 had shown the cholesterol-lowering ability better than the juices fermented with P. acidilactici M-3. Finally, L. plantarum SK-3 and P. acidilactici M-3 were found as optimal probiotics for fermentation with noni juice as well as mulberry juice. In this investigation, the results could be an indicator of the development of health-promoting food juices.
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