Sources of materials
Raw material collection
Mature and freshly harvested
Zingiber officinale and dried
Monodora myristica seeds and fresh ripe pineapple fruits were purchased directly from the farmers in Owerri, Imo State. Mature dry
Tetrapluera tetraptera fruits were obtained from the Federal University of Technology, Owerri, among the trees planted as wind-breaks and ornamental plants within the university.
Place and duration of the research
The research was conducted at Department of Food Science and Technology Laboratory, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, covering a period of 15 months.
Period of research
The period taken for the research was 15 months which commenced from August, 2023 to October, 2024.
Reagents and equipment used
They were obtained from the Department of Food Science and Technology, in the Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria and were of analytical grades.
Processing and extraction of ginger extracts
The processing and extraction of wild ginger (
Z. officinale) extract was done according to the method described by
Martin (2016). About 10 kg of freshly harvested ginger rhizomes were processed for extraction. The ginger was cleaned and washed with 98% alcohol to decontaminate the surfaces from microbial loads. The washed ginger rhizomes were manually peeled to remove the peels using knife.
The peeled fingers of ginger rhizomes were sliced into smaller sizes 5, 10, 15 20 and 30 mm long and dried under the sun for about five days before finish-drying in an oven at initial temperature of 55°C before it was elevated to 65°C for 10 hours which brought the moisture content from 88.7% down to 11.56%. The dried materials were milled into powdered forms (37 µm) and stored in air-tight containers for subsequent processing. Afterwards, it was followed by weighing 400 g of the milled samples into a flask and microwave-assisted extraction to generate the essential oils (crude extracts) required for the beverage formulation. The flow chart is represented in Fig 1.
Processing and extraction of bioactive compounds from ehuru (Monodora myristica)
The method described by
Onwuka (2006) and
Odimegwu et al. (2024) was adopted with slight modification. A 2 kg of matured and dried Ehuru (
Monodora myristica) seeds were sorted and gently roasted to enhance ease of dehulling. The dehulled seeds were further dried using a drying oven (at 105°C) to ensure that the moisture contents were drastically reduced. The dried seeds were ground, stored in airtight containers and subsequently, 400 g of the dried milled samples were prepared to extract the bioactive components/essential oils (crude extracts).
Processing and extraction of crude extracts from oshiokirisho (Tetrapluera tetraptera) fruits
The method described by
Jayashree et al., (2014) was adopted for this extraction, with slight modifications which is the used of microwave technique at varying temperature and frequency. About 20 pieces of matured and dried fruits of Oshiokirisho (
Tetrapluera tetraptera) were used for this process. However, the fruits were cleaned and washed with an alcohol solution to disinfect the surface microor ganisms. The washed fruits were dried in an electric oven (EUROSONIC; Model No. ES-9080, China) at 60°C for 3 hours. The dried pods were cut into pieces and ground into powders then stored in an air-tight containers prior to extraction.
Microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) of the crude extracts
The method of
Martin (2016) was adopted. A 200 g of the milled, dried sample of the plant materials in each case was transferred into a flat-bottomed flask of 500 ml capacity and 250 ml of appropriate organic solvent (ethyl ether) was transferred into the flask containing the sample to be extracted. The flask was placed inside the microwave, stoppered and fitted to a condenser (a cooling system designed with a water inlet and outlet). The microwave is electric powered, taking into cognizance the predetermined temperature of the solvent, extraction time (30 minutes) and power (300W), the basic operating conditions for the MAE. The microwave generated from the magnetron is directed by the waveguide onto the sample/solvent system, thus causing the solvent to boil and rise within the vessel.
However, the evaporating solvent was cooled by the water-cooled reflux condenser. This made the solvent condense and return to the holding vessel. This process was repeated for a short time between 30 minutes, enabling the organic compounds to be desorbed from the sample matrix into the organic solvent. As the boiling process continued for about 30 minutes, the crude extracts was recovered by separating the solvent from the pool. This procedure was repeated for all the different samples of the plant materials.
Production of pineapple juice
The pineapple juice production process used for the functional beverage formulation was prepared according to a method described by
Ojukwu et al., (2015) and in line with
FDA (2022) guidelines with slight modifications. A 20 kg of fully ripe and matured pineapples were graded, washed and peeled. Then they were crushed in the crusher (juice extractor) to obtain the juice and the juice extracted was transferred to kettle and boiled for 15 minutes. The extracted fruit juices were filled in clean glass bottles and pasteurized at 68°C for 30 minutes.
Development of the functional beverage
The method, as described by
FDA (2022) and
Ofoedum et al., (2024), used for the beverage formulation with slight modifications. A 5 ml of the crude extracts of
Zingiber officinale,
Tetrapluera tetraptera and
Monodora myristica were accurately measured out, respectively, using a pipette. A 500 ml of the extracted pineapple juice was measured and transferred to each crude extract alongside other ingredients such as 500 ml water, 3 drops of pineapple flavour, 1 gram of acidity regulator, 1 gram of CMC,
etc. However, for the beverage containing the blends of the extracts, the ratio of formulation was 50:50 (
i.e. 50% of each sample of crude extract, mixed with 50% of another, with combination of pineapple juice that was extracted). The mixture was continuously stirred until a homogenous solution was obtained. The resultant mixture was transferred into a stainless vessel and sterilized at 65oC for 30 minutes. The resultant beverages were filled and packaged in clean, PET bottles and pasteurized at 60°C for 30 minutes before cooling. See Fig 1. The beverage developed was stored at room and refrigeration temperature respectively.
Determination of physicochemical properties of the formulated beverage
Determination of total solids
The method of
Iwouno et al., (2019) and
Mohanapriya (2024) were used for this determination. A 25 ml sample was weighed into a silica dish of known weight using an electronic balance (Gold Tech Precision Electronic Instrument Co. G.TET024, Delhi, India) and the value was recorded. The percentage of total solids as follows:
Determination of pH
The beverage pH was determined by
Nwokenkwo et al., (2020) and
AOAC (2019) procedure. The analysis was conducted using a portable (hand-held) pH meter or potentiometer (Tecnal model TEC-3MP, China) calibrated in pH 4.0 and pH 7.0.
Determination of total titratable acidity
The total titratable acidity was determined by the method of
AOAC (2017). The acidity was determined by titrimetric analysis using a sample of 1 ml of the formulated beverage diluted in 49 ml of distilled water. This diluted solution was neutralized with 0.1 N NaOH, using a solution of 1% phenolphthalein as an indicator.
Determination of brix (Sugar content)
The apparent degrees brix (°B) of the beverage samples was determined according to the method described by Iwouno
et al. (2019) using a Milwaukee Digital refractometer.
Viscosity determination
The method used for this determination is described by
Onwuka (2005) and Uzoukwu
et al. (2024) using a viscometer. The Ostwald viscometer model-LVT (Brook field Engrg. Lab. Inc., M.A.0217 U.S.A) was used to check the viscosities of the various beverage samples.
Shelf-life study
Chukwu et al., (2017) reported the method to determine product shelf-life and it was also used in this research. The samples were placed in Scotch flasks with screw lids and stored at refrigeration condition (3-4°C) and ambient temperature for a period of 60 days and were taken out at intervals; 0 day, 7
th day, 14
th day, 21
st day, 28
th day, 35
th day, 42
nd day, 56
th day, 63
rd day, 70
th day, 80
th and 90
th day and the changes in the beverage samples (
e.g. colour, odour, pH, precipitates, phase separations and sedimentations) were determined.
However, analysis of liquid phase separation of the beverages was carried out according to
Baccouche et al., (2013) with little modifications by varying the storage durations.
Sedimentation rate
Sedimentation rate was determined according to the method of
Gad et al., (2013) with few modifications. The sedimentation value was indicated as a percentage of the total fluid weight by using the following equation according to Babosa
et al. (2014).