Yield of white brined cheese production from different types of milk after pressing and salting
The apparent yield of white brined cheese was calculated as the cheese weight after pressing for 30 min and salting at room temperature then storage in a brine solution 18% for 24 h divided the weight of the milk used. also, the amount of fresh raw milk required to produce 1 kg of cheese or cheese amount obtained from 1 kg of fresh milk, is called cheese yield.
Haenlein (2007) is affected by many factors, including milk content of fat, proteins, moisture, storage temperature, milk quality, milk heating (pasteurization)and manufacturing standards Also, the cheese yield estimated from sheep’s and goat’s milk was between 26% and 28% and 15%-16% respectively
(Park et al., 2007).
The results of the experiment indicate the amount of cheese yield obtained from five different combinations of sheep’s and goat’s milk presented in Table 1 noting that the highest cheese yield was for treatment 1 at 26.23% and 5 at 24.98%. and this could be attributed to the increase in the percentage of sheep milk used, which contains 5.4%, 6.79% and 16 .87% fat, protein and total dry matter, respectively. Also attributed to The capacity of sheep’s milk to retain all milk nutrients in the curd.
Garcia et al., (2014). Also, results showed that cheese yield produced from sheep’s milk was 11.07 % higher than cheese yield produced from goat’s milk after pressing (AP) and this percentage drops down when On the contrary, another researcher published that there were no significant differences in cheese yield according to levels of somatic Cell count in milk.
Hen et al., (2010); Mazal et al., (2007). While results published by
Barbano et al., (1991) showed an increased somatic cell count, It is observed that significantly lower cheese yields. A protein affects cheese texture and stability is exacerbated by drying the cheese body and salt will also drain more whey (moisture) out of the cheese. This led to decreases in cheese yield
Gunee (2004).
Also, the results show in Table 2 that white-brained cheese made from sheep’s milk only (SMC( had a higher value of protein and fat than cheese made from goat’s milk (GMC) alone. Also, the results show that mixing 75% GM with 25% SM showed a decrease in protein, fat and dry matter contents compared with cheese made from 100% sheep’s milk. Results also showed that the highest value of dry matter was for treatment (Table 2) of the cheese produced from SM (100%) of 60.521.5, while the dry matter was the lowest for treatment (56.39 ± 1.9). The ash content of the cheese produced from different milk combinations was between 10.68 and 12.28%. The results found that both milk compositions influence the final, white-brained cheese composition, which agrees with
(Vyhmeister et al., 2019).
Texture profile of white brined cheeses manufactured from different types of milk
White brined cheese hardness
The effects of milk types on the texture profile of the white-brined cheese produced from different milk combinations were evaluated and presented in Table 3. As noted, the milk types have an effect on the texture profile of the white brined cheese compared to Treatment1 (100% Sheep’s milk) and Treatment 2 (100% Goat’s milk). This result showed that mixing sheep’s milk with 50% or 75% Goat’s milk led to a significant decrease in cheese hardness for samples from treatments 3 and 4 as compared to treatment 1 (100% sheep’s milk) of values 3566.9 and 3225.7 respectively, compared with the control treatment1 that was 4111.4 g. This may be attributed to the size of the fat globules in goat milk. Goat’s milk had more short and medium chain fatty acids (MCT) than cow’s milk, as well as higher goat’s milk alkalinity and buffering capacity, but adding goat’s milk in a percentage not more than 25% as at Treatment 5 resulted in a significant increase in cheese hardness to 4801.2. The hardness of cheese might be linked to composition particularly fat, protein, or dry matter, which play a role in the hardness of cheese, white brined cheese produced from goat’s milk It has a higher hardness value than cheese produced from sheep’s milkand this is due to the low amount of fatand protein quality that a high-fat content contributes to smoothness in cheese. Whereas high protein content increases the hardness of the cheese, a high level of total solids content and high acidity also make cheeses harder
(Koca and Metin, 2004).
A measure cheese, when subjected to compression, is defined as the extent of resistance and strength of the internal structure that forms the body of the product to deformation when subjected to compression, calculated as the area of the second compression curve (second bite) divided by the area the first bite compression curve (second compression/first compression area). The highest cohesiveness value for treatment 2 (100% goats’ milk) of a value-0.71 compared with the least cohesiveness value for treatment1 (100% sheep’s milk) as the control treatment of 0.67 and there was a significant difference (p<0.05) between Goats and Sheep’s cheeses. On the other hand, cheese samples of other samples were very close and there were no significant differences between them. This means that the difference in the type of milk and the proportions used do not affect the cohesiveness of the cheese
(Karaman and Akalin, 2013). This was also observed in the study conducted, which found a negative correlation between fat content, dry matterand cohesiveness. On the contrary, a positive correlation was found between the dry matter content and cohesiveness, as found by
Bryant et al., (1995); Delgado et al., (2011).
Adhesiveness is expressed as measurements of force required to overcome the attractive forces of food on the mouth surface, which in sensory terms is the degree to which the food adheres or sticks to teeth within the mouth surface. These results show that adhesiveness values were very low for all treatments, but the results of adhesiveness. The variations in adhesiveness values might result from differences in their chemical composition. Table 3 show a significant difference between treatments1 produced from 100% sheep’s milk had the highest adhesiveness value of -3.84 and the lowest adhesiveness of -9.82 J for treatment 5. The negative sign of adhesiveness values is stress directed down. The variations in adhesiveness values might result from differences in their chemical composition. White-brined cheese, adhesiveness has been negatively correlated with protein content and positively correlated with FDM and SM levels
(Goksel et al., 2013).
Fat is presented as globules contained within the protein matrix network in cheese curd allowing cheeses to melt better and thus increase adhesiveness.
McSweeney (2004). Also, the results show that increasing potassium salts increases adhesiveness.
Ousman et al., (2008) too and this may be related to the observed increases in fat globule size and pH value
(Bakry et al., 2011).
The energy required to disintegrate a semi-solid food until it can be swallowed is a value calculated from hardness times the cohesiveness. Therefore, factors such as the hardness and cohesiveness of the sample also affect the gumminess. The evaluated gumminess value for the produced white brine cheese produced from different milk combination results are shown in Table 3, a significant effect (p<0.05) when adding goat’s milk in a percentage of greater than 25% to sheep’s milk gives the highest gumminess value for sample from treatment 5 of 3242.9 g and the lowest value for samples from treatment 4 of 1897.5 g (Table 4). It was also observed that there was a significant difference between the Gumminess of white brined cheese produced from 100% goat’s milk, which reached 2201.4 g, while the cheese produced from 100% sheep’s milk, of 2815.1 g.
The textural profile of white brined cheese (Nabulsi cheese) through storage time
Table 4 summarizes the effect of storage time on texture profiles for treatments 1, 2 and 3. were it is observed that changes in all textural properties of cheeses during storage in brine solution significantly affect (p<0.05) hardness, gumminess and cohesiveness values of the cheesesand these parameters decreased significantly (p<0.05) at the end of 6 and 12 months of storage as a consequence of proteolysis, which causes the release of ionic groups of water-binding, redistribution of saltand a decrease in water activity (aw), as well as low pH and breakdown of casein micelles into small aggregates
Jooyandeh (2009).
The results presented in Table 4 using treatment number one as a control (white brined cheese made from sheep’s milk) show that adding goat’s ‘milk in a percentage of 25% resulted in an increase in hardness, cohesiveness and gumminess (significant p>0.05) and a reduction in adhesiveness.
The values of the parameters were 5190.33 g, 0.700, 3491.23 g and -12.53 J for hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess and adhesiveness, respectively. In addition, the hardness and gumminess of all samples continuously decreased after six months of storage at different rates, The decreases in hardness values, may be due to the hydrolysis of casein, which is responsible for softening the cheese. Treatment 4 had the least hardness and gumminess, but after 12 months of storage, an increase in the hardness and gumminess values for all samples was noticed. On the contrary, treatment 5 showed more hardness and gumminess of 6237.67 g and 3986.50 g, respectively. Results presented in Table 4 also indicate that cheese cohesiveness for all treatments is close to those values after manufacturing of 0.700. Whereas, after 6 months of storage in brine solution, it increased to 0.77 for milk combinations of 75 sheep’s milk and 25% goat’s milk. The results also indicate that no significant difference between the different treatments during the same storage period. On the contrary, the cohesiveness values insignificantly decreased to 0.60 (p>0.05) during storage at room temperature for 12 months. On the contrary, the adhesiveness of -12.53 J after the manufacturing of white brined cheese from sheep’s milk of 75% and goat’s milk of 25%, increases to -6.13 J after storage time of 12 months. This could be attributed to the fat, protein contentand proteolysis during storage
(Dimitreli and Thomareis, 2007).