Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research

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Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 39 issue 3 (september 2020) : 251-255

Shelf Life Assessment of Moringa oleifera Fortified (Leaf Powder) Instant Soup Mixes

Faruk Ansari, Alpana Singh, Gajendra Kumar Rana
1Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur-482 004,  Madhya Pradesh, India.
Cite article:- Ansari Faruk, Singh Alpana, Rana Kumar Gajendra (2020). Shelf Life Assessment of Moringa oleifera Fortified (Leaf Powder) Instant Soup Mixes. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 39(3): 251-255. doi: 10.18805/ajdfr.DR-1530.
Background: Moringa oleifera Lam (Moringaceae) is a highly valued multipurpose herbal plant, native to India, grows in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. It is commonly known as ‘drumstick tree’ or ‘horseradish tree’. Moringa can withstand both severe drought and mild frost conditions and hence widely cultivated across the world. The leaves are rich in minerals, vitamins and other essential phytochemicals. Extracts from the leaves are used to treat malnutrition, augment breast milk in lactating mothers. 
Methods: During the investigation different combinations like 0%, 18%, 20%, 22% and 24% of Moringa leaves powdered and were used for formulations respectively. Prepared Moringa leaves powder were mix with other spices to prepare instant soup powder. The formulation content 24% Moringa leaf (MLP4) powder was the better composition and more acceptable among the rest.
Result: Proximate study of selected sample were found high in protein 13.67%, ash 9.79%, fibre 5.99% and low in fat 3.04% and energy value which make the developed soup as an appropriate choice to fulfill nutritional demand of consumers. Instant soup mixes packed in aluminium foil was found to be successfully stored for 90 days at room temperature without any major changes, in physicochemical, microbial and organoleptic parameters. Supplementation with Moringa leaf powder significantly enhanced the nutritional characteristics and had a reasonable amount of required nutrients, Hence the value added instant soup mix can also play a great role in attaining the nutritional security in the country.
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