Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research

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Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 36 issue 1 (march 2017) : 37-44

Microwave energy and its application in food industry: A reveiw

Adarsh M.Kalla*, Devaraju R.
1<p>Department of Dairy Engineering,&nbsp;Dairy Science College, Kalaburagi, KVAFSU, Bidar-585 401, Karnataka.</p>
Cite article:- M.Kalla* Adarsh, R. Devaraju (2017). Microwave energy and its application in food industry: A reveiw . Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 36(1): 37-44. doi: 10.18805/ajdfr.v0iOF.7303.

This paper reviews an overview of microwave heating as one method of thermal food processing. The higher standard of living and soaring income of consumers have lead for the demand for the modern food processing application. The technological revolution and nutritional awareness have increased the popularity of the microwave heating. Microwave heating is known for its operational safety and nutrient retention capacity with minimal loss of heat-labile nutrients such as vitamins B and C, dietary antioxidants, phenols and carotenoids. This review aims to provide a brief update of microwave heating and its application for food processing applications, with special emphasis on its impact on food quality in terms of microbial and nutritional value changes.

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