Biometric measurements
The biometric measurement values are summarized in Table 1. The average values fall within the breed standards. Guelmoise cattle, mostly aged between 22 and 36 months, have an average live weight of approximately 356 kg and a withers height of just above 113 cm. In contrast, Setifien males are heavier, with an average weight of about 434 kg and a withers height exceeding 121 cm.
For body length and width traits, Guelmoise cattle have an average scapulo-ischial length of 127.35 cm and an average hip width of approximately 39 cm. Conversely, Setifien cattle exhibit a greater average scapulo-ischial length (137.14 cm) and a wider pelvis (42.29 cm) compared to Guelmoise cattle. Regarding head dimensions, Setifien cattle have significantly larger heads than Guelmoise cattle (P<0.05).
Slaughter yield
The average slaughter yields are satisfactory for rustic breeds, with approximately 50% yield: 49.9% for Guelmoise and 51.2% for Setifien. These values align closely with those reported by
Dechambre E. (1948);
Bneder (1978);
Boulahbel (1999) and MA (1999-2001) for similar populations (40% to 50%).
In comparison, yields for suckler meat-producing breeds are 67.5% to 69% for Charolais and Blonde d’Aquitaine and 69% to 75% for Limousin (
Dudouet, 1999). Rustic breeds such as Salers, Aubrac and Gasconne show yields of 58.6%, 60.1% and 61.4%, respectively (
Renand et al., 2002).
The coefficient of variation (CV%) indicates notable variability, particularly for weight variables. For Setifien cattle, the CV is 19.3% for carcass weight and 16.2% for live weight, whereas for Guelmoise cattle, it is 19.5% and 18.3%, respectively. For linear measurements, the CV is lower, ranging from 5.3% to 8.7% across both populations. These observations are consistent with the findings of
Haddad and Kiboub (2019),
Bouzebda (2007) and
Boujenane (2015), who noted similar homogeneity in local breeds adapted to their environment.
Comparative analysis
The data reveal systematically significant differences between the two breeds, with Setifien cattle generally showing higher values across all measured variables compared to Guelmoise cattle. This trend aligns with findings from
Haddad and Kiboub (2019) and
Bouzebda (2007), though those studies used larger sample sizes.
Compared to local African cattle, the body measurements of Setifien cattle surpass those reported in Togo
(Boma et al., 2018), Congo Brazzaville
(Akouango et al., 2014) and Morocco (
Boujenane, 2015). However, the Kouri taurines of Niger
(Grema et al., 2018) exhibit higher measurements, especially for withers height (129 cm) and scapulo-ischial length (155 cm). For Guelmoise cattle, all compared studies indicate higher values except for the Togo cattle population
(Boma et al., 2018), which is smaller in size, with a withers height not exceeding 110 cm.
When comparing local cattle breeds to modern improved breeds, as studied by
Bene et al., (2007), it’s evident that local breeds like the Guelmoise (113 cm) and Seifien (121.8 cm) are smaller in stature. In contrast, improved breeds such as Blonde d’Aquitaine (142.5 cm), Limousin (138 cm), Charolais (137.4 cm), Aberdeen Angus (132 cm) and Hereford (130 cm) show significantly greater heights at the withers.
In terms of body length (SIL), all the improved cattle breeds mentioned surpass the recorded length for the Guelmoise breed (127.3 cm). However, the Setifien, measuring 137 cm, is relatively long and even exceeds the Aberdeen Angus (132 cm). Meat breeds like Blonde d’Aquitaine (151 cm), Limousin (148 cm) and Charolais (142 cm) have notably longer bodies, which is often advantageous for meat production.
These differences can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, improved breeds have been selectively bred for traits related to meat production, such as size, conformation and rapid growth, resulting in increased body size over generations. In contrast, local breeds, naturally selected by their specific environmental conditions, have developed characteristics like hardiness and feed efficiency, rather than large size.
Breeding practices, nutrition and management methods also play a crucial role in the physical development of animals. Improved breeds often benefit from intensive breeding techniques, whereas local breeds are typically raised in more traditional systems, which can limit their growth potential.
Dactylo-thoracic index (DTI)
The Dactylo-Thoracic Index (DTI), which is inversely related to fineness, was found to be 1/10 for both populations. This index indicates a high level of fineness in these animals, consistent with the findings of
Tekkouk and Guintard (2007), who described them as hardy, walker-type breeds with slender limbs.
Correlation coefficients and linear regressions
Correlation coefficients between biometric variables are summarized in Fig 1. Strong significant correlations (r>0.8) were observed between most variables. Particularly strong correlations (r>0.9) were noted between cannon circumference and carcass weight, live weight and hip width and thoracic circumference and hip width. Moderate correlations (0.5<r<0.7) were observed between bizygomatic width and other biometric parameters.
The study of the relationship between live weight and various body measurements produced results consistent with those reported by several authors
(Tozser et al., 2001; Bouzebda, 2007;
Rahal et al., 2017). A positive correlation was established between carcass weight and most body measurements (AC, SIL, CC, TC, HL, HIW). This finding highlights the importance of taking body measurements in cattle, allowing carcass parameters to be estimated based on these measurements (Table 2).
Measurements such as body length, hip width, canon circumference and other morphometric traits were used to assess skeletal development. Thus, body measurements remain a key focus in beef cattle breeding and selection programs, contributing to improved performance and carcass quality.
Linear regression equations for estimating carcass weight (CW) from live animal measurements are presented in Table 2. Carcass weight, measured directly, is a reliable indicator of meat production. The regression equations developed for each breed and the combined population provide valuable tools for estimating carcass weight (Fig 2).
Multivariate analysis
The principal component Analysis (PCA) results are presented in Fig 3. The analysis, with an inertia level of 82.4% on the first factorial plane, shows a clear “size” effect, as all linear measurements are positively correlated with each other and with the first factorial axis. Most measurements contribute significantly to this axis (correlation coefficient>0.75), except for the Dactylo-Thoracic Index (DTI), which is negatively correlated (-0.16). On axis II, the DTI shows a strong correlation (0.95), while other measurements have weak correlations (generally<0.3), indicating that axis II represents general shape.
The scatter plots (Fig 4) distinguish Guelmoise and Setifien breeds mainly on axis I. Guelmoise males are clustered in the left half-plane with negative abscissas, while Setifien males are predominantly in the right half-plane with positive abscissas.
Fig 5 shows disjoint confidence ellipses for the two breeds, indicating clear segregation based on biometric measurements. The average points for each breed are in significantly different positions on the first factorial plane. The center of gravity for Setifien males is significantly greater than 0, whereas that for Guelmoise males is significantly less than 0. The ordinates of the centers of gravity for both breeds are close to 0, with the abscissa axis intersecting both ellipses.
This sample offers an interesting extension of previous research. However, it would have been valuable to include both sexes in the study, allowing for an analysis of sexual dimorphism within the population and the inclusion of females, which are highly relevant in zootechnical improvement programs. Studying both sexes would provide a deeper understanding of morphological and physiological differences, helping to refine selection strategies based on specific production goals. Furthermore, females play a critical role in reproduction and sustainable breeding and their inclusion could provide important insights into managing genetic diversity and improving breed adaptability to environmental challenges.