Physicochemical properties
pH and acidity of freshly prepared yogurts and changes in such products during storage
Fig 1 presents the changes in the pH and titratable acidity in the yogurt samples (YC, Y10, Y20, Y30) over a storage period of 21 days. Initially, the pH values for all the four yogurt samples were ranging from 4.7 to 4.48, with YC exhibiting the highest initial Ph. As anticipated, the pH values declined over time due to the fermentation process. Concurrently, the titratable acidity values increased across all samples with progressive storage period. YC, which initially was associated with the highest pH value, attained an acidity level of 99°D by the end of the storage period (
e. 21
st day). The trend noted was comparable across all samples, demonstrating similar fermentation rates despite slight initial differences.
At the onset of fermentation in yogurt preparation, the pH decreases due to the growth of
Streptococcus species, which utilize free amino acids in milk or those derived from casein hydrolysis. This leads to production of formic acid and CO
2, which serves as growth factors for
Lactobacillus (Yamauchi et al., 2019). Consequently,
Lactobacillus spp. proliferate rapidly as the pH decreases, releasing additional lactate and further reducing the pH of yogurt (
Chandan and Kilara, 2013;
Naibaho et al., 2022). As per documented literature, yogurt bacteria continue to ferment lactose during cold storage, producing more lactate
(Korbekandi et al., 2015), mainly by the activity of
Lactobacillus spp., thereby increasing the yogurt’s acidity
(Gallina, 2022). Such post-acidification changes are considered unfavorable due to its negative impact on the product quality, particularly through the accumulation of lactic acid, which results in an unpleasant sour taste
(Han et al., 2022). Guemidi et al., (2024) reported a significant decrease in pH (p<0.01) in yogurts enriched with different incorporation rates of peppermint hydroethanolic extract (PHE) during refrigerated storage. On Day 1, the pH ranged from 4.58 (0% PHE) to 5.27 (6% PHE), decreasing to 4.45-4.77 on Day 10 and further to 4.30-4.76 on Day 20. In contrast, acidity increased significantly (p<.01) with storage time and PHE incorporation. On Day 1, acidity ranged from 80.33°D (0% PHE) to 70.67 °D (6% PHE), increasing to 87.89-72.00 °D by Day 10 and reaching 94.48°D (0% PHE) to 73.39°D (6% PHE) by Day 20.
Syneresis in yogurt
Table 1 presents the syneresis (expressed in per cent) in yogurt samples as noted during its refrigerated storage. The syneresis values demonstrated a notable (p<0.05) increase from day 1 to day 15, irrespective of the four types of yogurt samples. Following this peak, a decline in syneresis value was observed on 21
st day of storage, samples YC and Y10 exhibited significantly (p<0.05) higher mean syneresis values compared to the other two samples (
e. Y20, Y30) suggesting that the latter two samples exhibited better water-holding capacity. As compared to at other storage intervals, indicative of the dynamic nature of yogurt’s physical properties during post-acidification. All the yogurt samples exhibited a notable (P<0.05) increase in syneresis, as the storage period progressed. This trend is possibly associated with the decreasing pH in the yogurts during storage, resulting from post-acidification in product by the starter cultures. The rising acidity caused greater curd shrinkage and induced further whey expulsion
(Hamdy et al., 2021).
Ahmed et al., (2022) reported maximum syneresis level (1.82 g/100 g) exhibited by control yogurt as noted at 21
st day of refrigerated (4°C) storage, while the least syneresis value (1.32 g/100 g) was noted in freshly prepared experimental yogurt sample (containing 9.0% PPP. The incorporation of 2.5% apple pomace powder and 2.5% PPP in yogurt was found favourable in retarding syneresis in yogurt, even during refrigerated storage till 21
st Notably, treatments containing PPP in yogurt showed markedly lower syneresis compared to that made employing apple pomace powder on 21
st day of storage.
Viscosity of set yogurt
Fig 2 displays the viscosity of the prepared yogurt sample as well as the changes in such aspect for all the yogurt samples (YC, Y10, Y20, Y30) over a storage period of 21 days. The viscosity (expressed in cP) of all the yogurt samples exhibited a notable (P<0.05) increase with progressive storage period. The maximum viscosity was noted for all yogurt samples on 15
th day of storage, with the following values, Y10 (
e. 769.63 cP), Y20 (764,06 cP) and Y30 (753,80 cP). By 21
st day, the viscosities of YC, Y10 and Y20 decreased slightly. This trend suggests that Y30 slightly increased its viscosity over time, whereas the other yogurt samples showed notable (P<0.05) slight decline in their viscosity, after reaching their peak at the 15
th day.
A study by
Al-Hindi and Abd El Ghani (2020) demonstrated that presence of PPE increased the viscosity of yogurt to a greater extent compared to control product during the storage period at 4°C for 30 days. Such effect was ascribed to the impact of PPE on the aggregation of the casein network in yogurt through electrostatic interactions increasing the resistance of yogurt matrix to flow (
Rice-Evans et al., 1996,
Tamime and Tamime, 2007). Contrary to our findings,
Ramaswamy and Basak (1992) reported that incorporation of tamarind aqueous extract at usage rate of 1.54 % tended to lower the viscosity of yogurt.
Microbiological quality of yogurts
Table 2 depicts the viable counts of
Streptococcus thermophilus and
Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp.
bulgaricus in yogurt during refrigerated storage up to 21 days. Bacterial counts were monitored at weekly intervals (D1, D7, D15 and D 21) and the count was expressed as log CFU/g. The results indicate a significant change (p<0.05) in starter counts across all samples during the storage period. However, the incorporation rate of pomegranate peel extract (PPE) in yogurt preparation did not show a statistically significant effect on starter counts (P>0.05).
In case of
Streptococcus thermophilus, the initial count increased from D1 to D7 across all yogurt samples. The highest count was associated with yogurt made incorporating 10 mg of PPE on 7
th day of storage (Y10), reaching 8.39 log CFU/g by D21. Similarly,
Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp.
bulgaricus count of yogurt displayed a similar trend during storage, with their count peaking at D7, especially at higher PPE usage rate (30.0 mg). At PPE usage rate of 30 mg (Y30), the resultant yogurt recorded highest count of 8,04 log CFU/g of
bulgaricus on D7.
In contrast to our findings,
Khelifi et al., (2018) demonstrated antibacterial effect of phenolic extracts from
Thymus vulgaris L. against Streptococcus and Lactobacillus cultures in yogurt when used at 8% level. The possible mechanisms for the exerted antibacterial effects by phenolic compounds include damaging the bacterial cell walls, blocking the production of cellular energy, or destroying their genetic material
(Yang et al., 2008).
Sensory scores of yogurts
Looking closely on the sensory scores of the different yogurt samples (YC, Y10, Y20, Y30) with or without PPE, as shown in Fig 3, revealed non-specific preference for the yogurt samples in terms of their overall acceptability scores. Yogurt samples Y20 and Y30 scored superior for overall acceptability, with mean values of 3.43 and 3.30 (out of maximum score of 5.00), respectively. Sample Y20 also performed well, particularly in terms of sensory odor and texture, with scores of 3.70 and 3.61 respectively. These results suggest that the addition of PPE, irrespective of its usage level, enhanced the sensory quality of resultant yogurt, especially in terms of color, odor and texture, leading to better consumer satisfaction compared to the control sample.
Principal component analysis (PCA) of sensory quality of yogurt
The Principal 3D Component Analysis (PCA) (Fig 4) revealed distinct groupings among the yogurt samples containing varying levels of PPE, based on their sensory traits. The control yogurt (YC) formed a distinct cluster, characterised by lower sensory scores in terms of color, odor, taste and overall acceptability compared to the experimental samples bearing PPE. The yogurts containing varying PPE levels (Y10, Y20, Y30) got clustered into several groups, showing gradients based on the usage levels of PPE. Y10 formed a cluster close to that shown by YC, indicating moderate improvements in the sensory quality parameters, but not pronounced as was evident at higher usage levels. Y20 and Y30 clusters were distinctly different from that of YC and Y10, showing significant (p<0.05) improvements in their sensory scores; Y30 displayed the highest scores for most of the sensory attributes studied. The distribution of clusters indicated a progressive increase in the sensory scores of yogurts with increasing usage levels of PPE, particularly for aspects such as color, taste and overall acceptability. The PCA analysis demonstrated that enriching yogurt with PPE significantly (p<0.05) altered the sensory scores, creating distinct profiles based on the varying usage levels adopted. This provided a solid foundation for optimizing the formulation of PPE enriched yogurt to maximize the perceived sensory benefits.
The heatmap (Fig 5) pertaining to the sensory analysis of yogurts enriched with PPE revealed correlations between the varying usage level of PPE and the sensory scores evaluated. There was a progressive improvement in the scores for color, odor, consistency, texture, taste and acidity with increasing usage levels of PPE extract. Notably, Y30 yogurt, incorporated with the highest usage level of PPE extract was associated with the highest scores for almost all the sensory attributes evaluated, indicating a substantial enhancement in the sensory acceptance of the product. Taste showed a strong correlation (r = 0.83) with overall acceptability score of the product, suggesting that these attributes played a crucial role in the acceptance for the developed product by the sensory panelists. The sensory scores for consistency and texture (r = 0.54) also showed an improvement when employing PPE at higher usage levels, increasing the products sensory acceptability. In summary, the heatmap demonstrated that incorporating PPE, especially at higher concentrations (
e. 20 and 30 mg/100 g of milk) enhanced the sensory acceptability of the resultant yogurt markedly.