Effect of BSFL on the length and weight growth of loach fish
The growth in the length of fish was periodically measured, processed and analyzed during the experiment. Table 3 shows that the growth in length of TG1, TG2 and TG3 has a difference compared with the CG (p<0.05). After 60 days of rearing, fish achieved the best average growth in length in the CG treatment, which was 19.60±2.28 mm/fish in comparison with the initial length, while TG3 had the lowest growth in length at 11.21±0.25 mm/fish. This proves that replacing fishmeal with BSFL with 10% - 30% content did not affect the growth of fish in length. However, if not supplemented with BSFL or with more than 30% of BSFL, it will affect the growth of fish.
The results of DLG monitoring showed that the fish had the highest length growth rate in the CG at 0.33 ± 0.04 mm/day and the lowest in TG3 at 0.19±0.01 mm/day. We found TG2 and TG3 had a difference with CG (p<0.05), but TG1 had no difference with CG. One possible explanation for this result is that the BSFL is not only rich in protein, but its chitin content is also higher than that of the sea fish powder
(Makkar et al., 2014). Besides, feed with a high content of chitin negatively affects the passive nutrient absorption and nutrient digestibility of fish
(Kroeckel et al., 2012).
Our results are entirely consistent with the results of a previous study
(Cummins et al., 2017). Another study has been conducted about substitution of fishmeal protein with soymeal protein in feed, showed that the growth of seabass (
Lates calcarifer) decreased when the substitution level exceeded 10% (
Tantikitti, Sangpong and Chiavareesajja 2005). Similarly, when replacing more than 20% of fishmeal protein with soymeal protein in the feed of spotted snapper (
Lutjanus guttatus), growth was also reduced (
Silva-Carrillo et al., 2012).
Weight growth of fish was periodically measured and analyzed during the experiment. Table 4 shows that fish cultured in all experimental groups had linear growth. After 60 days of rearing, the average growth of the fish was 8.48 - 11.37 g/individual. In which, the best weight gain was TG1 with an increase of 6.27±0.11 g/individual and the lowest growth was TG3 with an increase of 4.86 0. 31 g/individual. ANOVA analysis showed that the growth in weight of TG1, TG2 and TG3 after 60 days of culture were all significantly different from CG (< 0.05). This proves that the BSFL substitution to the fishmeal affects the weight growth of fish. The results of DWG daily growth monitoring showed that the fish had the highest weight growth rate in TG1 with 0.10 0.01 g/day and the lowest in TG3 0.08 0.00 g/day. TG3 has a statistically significant difference with the CG, TG1 and TG2 (<0.05). However, TG1 and TG2 were not found to have differences compared with the control group. These results were higher than the results of a previous study (
Luong and Tran, 2022) using BSFL to replace fishmeal in the diet of eels. The current study revealed that when using less than 30% of BSFL supplementation, it did not affect the weight gain of fish. Moreover, the results of the current study are consistent with another study
(Tippayadara et al., 2021), which showed that the 60% - 80% BSFL substitution instead of fishmeal in the diets of tilapia, the ability to gain weight was significantly reduced. This can be explained by the fact that the addition of a lot of BSFL has affected the attractiveness of the feed, reducing the fish’s ability to take the feed.
Relationship between length and weight
Fig 1 shows the typical growth trajectory of loach fish, elucidating the connection between their length and body weight. We employed a linear regression model to ascertain the association between fish length (x, measured in millimeters) and weight (y, measured in grams). Regression analysis has yielded the following equation characterizing the relationship between length and weight:
The derived equation underscores a positive correlation between body length and weight, signifying that knowledge of the fish’s length can serve as a predictive indicator for its weight and vice versa.
Effects of BSFL on survival rate and feed conversion ratio of loach fish
The survival rate of the fish in different treatment groups is shown in Table 5. When replacing fishmeal protein with BSFL protein with different concentrations, the survival rate of the fish is quite high. ANOVA analysis showed that there was no statistically significant difference between the four groups, >0.05). This proves that the BSFL substitution to replace fishmeal did not affect the survival rate of fish.
The present study has exhibited a notably superior survival rate in comparison to a prior study (
Nguyen and Nguyen, 2016), which employed BSFL substitution for feeding snakehead fish. Notably, their research disclosed that when substituting fishmeal with BSFL in the diet at levels ranging from 10% to 30%, no discernible impact on survival rates was observed. However, when substituting 40% to 50% of the BSFL for fishmeal, the appetite of snakehead fish exhibited a notable reduction. Our findings align with a previous study
(Newton et al., 2005) which integrated larvae meal into the diet of catfish and determined that substitution up to 30% with BSFL did not adversely affect survival rates. This observation can be elucidated by the rich composition of biologically active compounds present in larval worms, encompassing diverse molecules with various medicinal properties, such as antiviral and antibacterial agents, as well as immune-enhancing capabilities in livestock, poultry and aquatic species, as previously reported
(Nguyen et al., 2019). Nevertheless, it is worth noting that our results did not attain the same level of efficiency as a study conducted in Japan, which reported a marked enhancement in growth rates, survival rates and feed efficiency upon integrating insect substitution into the diet of red sea bream
(Ido et al., 2015).
Table 6 presents the feed conversion ratio (FCR) data. The findings delineated in Table 7 demonstrate that there is no statistically significant variance in the feed conversion coefficients between the CG and TG1, TG2, TG3 (p>0.05). Consequently, it can be inferred that the substitution of fishmeal protein with BSFL at varying levels within the diet does not exert a discernible influence on the feed conversion ratio.
Notably, the current investigation attains a superior FCR when compared to the study conducted on snakehead fish (
Nguyen and Nguyen, 2016). It is noteworthy that the author posited that the substitution of less than or equal to 30% of fishmeal with BSFL in the dietary regimen does not engender any consequential alteration in FCR; however, when the substitution exceeds 30%, it is associated with an elevation in the FCR of the fish. Several other investigations, such as those conducted on salmon (
St-Hilaire et al., 2007) and on catfish (
Bondari and Sheppard, 1987), have reported that it is feasible to substitute at least 25% of fishmeal protein with red-legged earthworm larvae meal in the diets of the aforementioned species without inducing any significant perturbation in their FCR.
Effects of BSFL on the quality of fish meat
The human body needs two distinct categories of amino acids to facilitate its growth and vital physiological functions. These amino acids are classified into two principal types: essential amino acids, which are incapable of endogenous synthesis within the body and non-essential amino acids, which can be synthesized internally. Within the context of current research, an exhaustive analysis of 17 amino acids in fish meat was conducted (Table 7).
The outcomes revealed that the aggregate amino acid content, encompassing both essential and non-essential amino acids, was most abundant in TG1, constituting 18.52% of the total fish weight, while it was least abundant in TG3, representing 15.24% of the fish weight. Notably, across all treatment groups, the feed formulations consistently comprised eight essential amino acids, namely Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine and Valine. Additionally, fish meat was found to contain nine non-essential amino acids, which can be biosynthesized by the human body without external dietary substitution. TG2 exhibited the highest content of non-essential amino acids, constituting 11.08% of the fish weight, whereas TG3 demonstrated the lowest content at 9.15% of the fish weight. Nonetheless, it should be emphasized that these non-essential amino acids are inherently synthesized by the body, thereby allowing for the potential augmentation of nutrient absorption through the incorporation of diverse food sources into the diet.
It has been postulated that the inclusion of multiple animal protein sources in fish diets can enhance growth performance when juxtaposed with a singular protein source (
Phonekhampheng, 2008). This phenomenon is presumably attributed to the equilibrium achieved in essential amino acid profiles derived from various sources.
The current study substantiates this notion; when substituting fishmeal with BSFL at rates of 10% and 30%, the total essential amino acid content increased by 7.4% and 6.8%, respectively, relative to the exclusive inclusion of protein from BSFL in the diet.
The findings underscore the high nutritional value of fish meat protein, given its comprehensive spectrum of essential and non-essential amino acids. It is noteworthy that the substitution of fishmeal with BSFL at varying proportions did not engender dissimilarities in amino acid compositions; however, variations were observed in amino acid content. Specifically, when the substitution exceeded or equaled 30% of fishmeal with BSFL, a pronounced reduction in amino acid content within the fish meat was evident.