Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research

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Chemical Composition and Relative Feed Value of Tree Legume Leaves as a Feed Source for Ruminants

Rohmiyatul Islamiyati1,*, Budiman Nohong1, Indrawirawan1, Fahruddin Wakano2
1Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Tamalanrea-90245, Makassar, Indonesia.
2Animal Feed Technology Study Program, Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Pangkajene Kepulauan, Mandalle-90655, Pangkajene and Islands Regency, Indonesia.

Background: Tree legumes are a pivotal to meet the nutritional needs to support the productivity of ruminants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition and relative feed value of various types of tropical tree legumes as a potential feed source for ruminants.

Methods: The study was designed using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments for legume tree species and three replications. A1 (Sesbania grandiflora), A2 (Leucaena leucocephala), A3 (Calliandra calothyrsus) and A4 (Moringa oleifera).

Result: Variance analysis showed that the species of tree legume had a significant effect (P<0.05) on the content of crude protein (CP), crude fibre (CF), nitrogen-free extract (NFE), digestibility of dry matters (DMD), dry matter intake (DMI), relative feed value (RFV) and not significantly different (P>0.05) on EE (EE). The four tree legumes had protein content above 20.20%, CF below 21.58%, EE below 7.88% and NFE above 33.48%, DMD above 65.00%, DMI above 3.4% of body weight, RFV above 182.74 including good quality feed ingredients. The four tree legumes are potential ruminant feed in the tropics.

Ruminant livestock production in the tropics faces significant constraints, especially during the dry season when the availability and quality of forage decrease dramatically. These constraints arise due to fluctuations in pasture area and feed availability, conversion of grazing land into residential areas and high population growth (Giridhar et al., 2021). To address these constraints, alternative sources of animal feed other than forages are needed.
Tree legumes have always played an important role in livestock production systems (Jayaprakash et al., 2016). They have the potential to serve as a source of supplementary feed that can be utilized bysmall, medium and large-scale farmers to improve the nutritional value of feed and livestock productivity (Gebreyowhans and Zegeye, 2019). Tree legumes exhibit high protein content, digestibility and palatability and they are resistant to changes in weather and climate conditions (Simbaya et al., 2020). Tree legumes are also widely regarded as easy to cultivate and deep-rooted; therefore, they are commonly used as live fences, conservation crops and erosion preventers (Sawen and Abdullah, 2020).
As tree legumes are crucial for maintaining ruminant productivity throughout the year, it is necessary to examine the nutritional value of potential tree legumes for ruminants. Variations in tree legumes nutritional value arise due to plant species, environmental conditions, soil types and rainfall differences (Darma et al., 2023). Tree legumes, such as sesbania, leucaena, calliandra and moringa, are generally of prime quality. Therefore, it is vital to assess their nutritional value and quality. This study aims to determine the chemical composition of selected tree legumes growing in Makassar, Indonesia.
Time and area of leaves sampling study
This study was conducted in the tropical zone at the Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia (5o07'  383  S; 119o29'  E), at an average altitude of 20 meters above sea level. The research was carried out from April to September 2022.
Research methods
The research materials were tree legumes, namely sesbania, leucaena, calliandra and moringa, as shown in Fig 1. which were obtained from the pasture of the Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia. The age of the plants is approximately one year and they were grown on dusty clay soil with an average rainfall of 55 to 200 mm³/day (Indonesian Central Statistics Agency, 2021).

Fig 1: (a) Sesbania grandiflora, (b) Leucaena leucocephala, (c) Calliandra calothyrsus, (d) Moringa oleifera.

Tree legumes werse obtained from several plants pruned at a height of two to three meters from the ground, totaling 10 kg. Twigs were separated from the plant branches and stalks and leaves suitable for livestock consumption were collected as one-kilogram samples. These samples were then dried in an oven at 65oC for three days. After drying, they were finely ground using a B-One Disintegration Machine Model DM-120 M with a sieve size of 40 mesh and analyzed for proximate composition in the laboratory (AOAC, 2019) and fiber fraction (Van Soest, 1994).
The experimental used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatment and 3 replications of tree legumes. The types of tree legumes studied were:
A1: Sesbania leaves (Sesbania grandiflora)
A2: Leucaena leaves (Leucaena leucocephala)
A3: Calliandra leaves (Calliandra calothyrsus)
A4: Moringa leaves (Moringa oleifera)
Data processed with SPSS Statistics software version 26. If the treatment had a significant effect, it was followed by the Duncan multiple range test (Gaspersz, 1994). DMD, DMI and RFV of selected tropical tree legumes were estimated using the equations proposed by Horrocks and Vallentine (1999):
DMI = 120/%NDF on dry matter basis
DMD = 88.9 - (0.779 x  ADF)
RFV =  (DMD x DMI)/1.29
If the RFV value is greater than 151, then the tree legume is considered the best or prime feedstuff.
The effect of species differences on chemical composition
Table 1 presents the nutrient content of different types of legumes. Variance analysis showed that the type of tree legume had a significant effect (P<0.05) on the content of CP, CF, EE and NFE. As shown in Table 1, the A4 treatment had the highest CP content, while the A1 treatment had the lowest. The CP content obtained in this study for the four types of legumes, namely sesbania, leucaena, calliandra and moringa, was above 20.20%. The CP content, in general, was almost the same and even higher than that obtained in several studies, except for sesbania and moringa.

Table 1: Chemical composition of tree-forage legume leaves.

The protein content in sesbania in this study is comparable to the findings reported by Bayissa et al., (2022) at 20.30% but lower than the results of the studies conducted by Islam et al., (2021) at 21.13%. according to Hameed and Priya, (2022) the nutritional value of Sesbania grandiflora includes protein (30-45%) and CF (7.75-11.75%). Sesbania aculeata contain a high amount of nutrients and it is a potential ingredient in feed preparation (Raman et al., 2024). The protein content in leucaena in this study was higher than the research of Olomonchi et al., (2022) at 19.78% and lower than Simbaya et al., (2020) that reported at 24.5%. The CP content of calliandra obtained in this study was higher than Adrizal et al., (2021) which was 19.93%. The CP of moringa in this study was 26.57%, higher than the findings of Singh et al., (2019) at 23.95% but lower than the findings of Simbaya et al., (2020) which reached 28.63%. according to Meel et al., (2021) nutrient values in Moringa leaf are CP: 24.56%, EE: 7.10%, C. Fiber: 7.82%, NFE: 51.32%, NDF: 11.30%, ADF: 8.39%, Ca: 1.58% and P: 0.30%, while Raju et al., (2024) reported that the nutrient content of Moringa is 18.35% CP, 8,56% EE, 6.71% CF  and 54.84% NFE. Boulal et al., (2021) also reported that Moringa oleivira has a high antioxidant power. Leucaena has high nutrient content, bypass protein and can reduce gas production. According to Indonesian National Standard (2022), concentrate needs for fattening cattle require a minimum CP of 14% and for dairy goat kids, a minimum CP of 16% is required. The replacement of concentrates as green fodder can be accomplished by these four tree legumes.
The CF content of leucaena in this study was lower than the results reported by Marhaeniyanto et al., (2019) amounting to 21.51%. The CF content of calliandra in this study was lower than the results reported in the studies of Adrizal et al., (2021) which were 32.43%. The CF content of moringa in this study was lower than the 23.09% found in Mahima et al., (2014) research. The CF content of sesbania and leucaena in this study was smaller than Agustono et al., (2017) findings of 33.13%. and 20.10%. CF content increases with longer cutting age, while protein content conversely decreases (Abqoriyah et al., 2015). CF in this study has sufficient value as a source of fibre. Suharti et al., (2019) report that CF content of 12.74% can provide a body weight gain of local male sheep.
The EE content ranged from 7.18% (calliandra) to 7.88% (leucaena). The EE content of sesbania  in this study was higher than that of Bayissa et al., (2022) at 2.76% and Olomonchi et al., (2022) findings of 2.95%. The EE content of calliandra in this study was higher than the results of Adrizal et al., (2021) findings of 2.83%. However, it was lower than the result of Nyakira et al., (2015) which reached 12.69%. The EE content of moringa  in this study is higher than the results of Simbaya et al., (2020) which only amounted to 6.8%. According to Indonesian National Standard (2022), the EE requirement for fattening sheep is a maximum of 7.00%. The results obtained in this study ranged around 7.00%, meaning it meets the needs of ruminants.
The NFE in calliandra in this study amounted to 48.99%, which is higher than the results of Nyakira et al., (2015) which is 45.54%. However, this result is lower than Jayaprakash et al., (2016) research findings of 54.86%. The NFE content of moringa  in this study was lower than Mahima et al., (2014) at 51.11%. The NFE content of sesbania and leucaena in this study is higher than Agustono et al., (2017) which only reached 25.65% and 30.48%. Sutaryono et al., (2019) stated that sesbania, leucaena and indigofera are tree legumes favored by cattle, but calliandra and moringa  are less preferred. NFE generally contains starch, which has the potential to serve as an energy source. The four tree legumes had NFE contents ranging from 33.48% to 48.99%, making them sufficient as a source of digestible energy.
DMD was highest at 74.32% in sesbania and lowest at 65.00% in calliandra. Duncan’s multiple range test showed that the dry matter digestibility of calliandra was lower than that of leucaena, moringa and sesbania. The DMD of sesbania was the same as that of moringa.
The dry matter digestibility of leucaena  in this study was higher than Olomonchi et al., (2022b) findings of 57.7% but lower than Kokten et al., (2012) research, which reached 76.8%. Similarly, the DMD result of moringa  in this study, at 74.10%, was lower than Arif et al., (2020) findings of 76.61%. Moreover, the DMD in this study surpassed the in vitro dry matter digestibility of Despal et al., (2023) research, that is moringa 66.31%, leucaena 46.35% and calliandra 28.54%.
The higher the DMD of a feed ingredient, the better the quality of the feed ingredient. DMD digestibility above 65.00% indicates prime quality standards, as observed in sesbania, moringa and leucaena. Physically, the texture of calliandra  is stiffer, closely related to the relatively high lignin content of calliandra , which is 12.76% compared to other legume  (Islamiyati et al., 2022). The tannin content in calliandra is 3.2%, which causes low DMD. The DMD value of calliandra  in this study is in the grade 1 category, while sesbania, leucaena and moringa  fall into the prime category (Horrocks and Vallentine, 1999). The highest DMI was 5.22% of body weight in sesbania and the lowest was 3.40% of body weight in leucaena. According to Duncan’s multiple range test, DMI was lower in compared to, moringa and sesbania.
The DMI of the four legume  observed was above 3, indicating prime quality (Horrocks and Valentine, 1999). The DMI result for leucaena  in this study was lower than ktenet_al(2012) study, which reached 6.8% of body weight but higher than Fekadu et al., (2018) finding of 2.22%. The DMI of this study is higher than Olomonchi et al., (2022) finding of only 1.90% of body weight. Arif et al., (2020) obtained DMI results for moringa of 4.85, while in this study is to 4.26, which was lower than Fekadu et al., (2018) that is  2.81. The result of DMI analysis of sesbania in this study was 5.22, higher than Fekadu et al., (2018) that of 2.88. The DMI results of this study mean that they have met these requirements. The DMI value is included in the prime category if it has a value > 3 (Horrocks and Valentine, 1999). In this study, the DMI values for selected legume were > 3.4, so they are included in the prime category.
The effect of species differences on RFV
Table 2 presents the highest RFV was 300.72 in sesbania and the lowest was 182.74 in calliandra. Duncan’s multiple range test showed that the RFV of calliandra was the same as that of leucaena, lower than that of sesbania and moringa. The RFV results of leucaena  in this study are lower than the findings of Kokten et al., (2012) which reached 403.7, but higher than Olomonchi et al., (2022) findings of 85.4. Similarly, the RFV value of moringa in this study is higher than the findings of Arif et al., (2020) which only amounted to 299.13. The assumption is that all parts of moringa can be used as high-value feed.

Table 2: Relative feed value of Tree-forage legume leaves.

The average RFV of sesbania , leucaena , calliandra  and moringa  with CP content greater than 19%, ADF less than 31%, NDF less than 40% and DMD greater than 65% and DMI higher than 3.0% of BW, indicate that these legumes are prime quality feedstuffs. The RFV values of the four selected tree legumes observed were more than 151 in the prime category (Horrocks and Valentine, 1999).
The four tree legumes are sesbania, leucaena, calliandra and moringa, with protein content above 20.20%, CF below 21.58%, EE below 7.88%, NFE above 33.48%, DMD above 65.00%, DMI above 3.4% of body weight, RFV above 182.74 and RFQ above 223.85, including superior-quality feed ingredients. The four-tree legume are potential ruminant feed in the tropics.  
The authors would like to thank the Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University for the research funding assistance with contract number: 01619/UN4.12/KEP/2023 and all those who have supported this research.
All authors declared that there is no conflict of interest.

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