Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research

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Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 34 issue 3 (september 2015) : 187-192

Studies on shelf-life of paneer whey based jelly confection

P.K. Wasnik, S.P. Changade
1Department of Dairy Technology, College of Dairy Technology, Pusad-445 204 (Warud), India.
Cite article:- Wasnik P.K., Changade S.P. (2025). Studies on shelf-life of paneer whey based jelly confection . Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 34(3): 187-192. doi: 10.5958/0976-0563.2015.00037.8.
Five different levels of paneer whey (6.36% TS) viz., 0% (T1 100% water), 25% (T2, 75% water), 50% (T3, 50% water), 75% (T4, 25% water) and 100% (T5, 0% water) were used for preparation of jelly confection. Prepared jelly mass (65°Brix TSS) was allowed to set at 28-32°C and stored at 32±1°C/30 days. For treatment T5, moisture reduced to 28.21±0.14%, titrable acidity increased to 0.60±0.01%, total protein content was 0.25±0.02%, standard plate count was higher for T5 after storage period. Using different whey levels did not significantly affect sensory scores on 9-point Hedonic scale. Paneer whey was acceptable upto 100% replacement of water and improved nutrient level among the treatments with the increasing levels of paneer whey. Preparation of jelly confection paneer whey provides an attractive alternate option for 100% utilization of whey at its production point itself, contributing to the economy of dairy plant operations by reducing the cost of effluent treatment and helping to overcome the pollution problems caused by whey drainage.
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