Study area
The study was conducted in Jammu and Kashmir state of India. In the Jammu region of the state, use of ‘ICAR-IVRI Crystoscope’ is common and many Government Veterinary Officers and Para-veterinarians have been using the same technology for the last several years. Since the main aim of this study was to ascertain the impact of ‘
ICAR-IVRI Crystoscope’ at farmers’ field level, availability of relevant data regarding the use of this technology was crucial. As such, Jammu region was selected for this study.
Sampling design
Kishtwar district was selected from the Jammu province on account of regular use of ‘
ICAR-IVRI Crystoscope’ in some blocks of the district by the Veterinarians and Para-veterinarians which ensured availability of relevant and reliable data. Two blocks were selected from the district based upon the sustained use or non-use of the technology. Block 1 was Kisthwar where ‘ICAR-IVRI Crystoscope’ was used on sustained basis. Block 2 was Inderwal where ‘ICAR-IVRI Crystoscope’ had never been used. Two villages were selected from each of these two blocks, randomly. From each selected village, 30 households-having at least one milch animal or heifer-were selected randomly. Table 1 summarizes the distribution of sample households across blocks and villages.
The study was based upon primary data which were collected through personal interview of head of sample households. A pre-tested comprehensive interview schedule was developed for the purpose comprising questions for eliciting data from respondents on demographic particulars of sample respondents, technical characteristics of dairy enterprise, reproductive parameters and costs and returns structure from dairy enterprise.
Identification of animals with incidence of delayed conception
The aim of the study was to calculate the economic losses due to delayed conception in dairy animals. Delayed conception is defined as an interval of more than 90 days postpartum before a cow or buffalo becomes pregnant again (
Kim and Kang, 2006). First heat sign after the voluntary waiting period was noted along with month in which first service was done. Month of conception was then noted after services per conception having taken place after every 21 days. In case of heifers, age of maturity was considered as 30 months. Numbers of days delayed in heifers was counted from the age of maturity. The age of the heifer at the time of first heat sign was noted and then the month in which first service was done and then month of conception was noted. In this way, the number of days delayed was counted for in heifers.
The approach adopted in this process was to interview Para-veterinarians/Inseminators in the study area by using structured check list to obtain their perception on the possible reasons for delayed conception with special focus on identifying those cases of delayed conception which were due to failure to detect optimum breeding time in animals. The reference period for this study was the last 12 months period previous to the date of the survey. Important indicator in ascertaining the cause of delayed conception as failure to detect optimum breeding time was to ask the para-veterinarians/inseminators about cases where the animals showed symptoms of early/late estrus at the time of insemination. Each case of delayed conception (as observed during the reference period of this study) was visited along with the concerned para-veterinarian/inseminator who had inseminated the animal. This was crosschecked with the records kept by the Para-veterinarians/Inseminators. The records contained details of the time at which they were informed about the animal coming to heat and the actual time of insemination. This was further validated by holding focused group discussions with Government Veterinary Officers, Para-veterinarians, inseminators and the farmers.
Components of losses due to delayed conception
The total loss due to delayed conception was represented as the summation of different loss components:
Total loss = A + B + C + D + E
Extra feed cost (A)
A = DD x F
A = Extra feed cost due to delayed conception.
DD = Number of days delayed from the end of voluntary waiting period (in case of milch animals) and from the date of achieving maturity (in case of heifers).
F = Per day feeding cost of the animal.
Extra labor cost per animal (B)
B = DD x L
B = Extra labour cost due to delayed conception.
L = Per day labour cost.
Extra treatment cost(C)
C = (V + M) x N
C = Extra treatment due to delayed conception;
V = Fees charged by veterinarian/para-veterinarian per visit.
M = Expenditures on medicines.
v = Number of visits made by veterinarian/para-veterinarian due to incidence of delayed conception.
Extra breeding cost per animal (D)
D = BC x PS
D = Extra breeding costs per animal.
BC = Number of services per conception.
PS = Costs of breeding (AI) per service.
Value of milk loss (E)
The yield differential was arrived at by comparing animals which have experienced delayed conception with those animals which have not (
Ali, 2011).
E = [LL
ndx (M x Y
nd)/2] - [LL
dx (M x Y
E = Milk yield loss per animal due to delayed conception. nd = Animals with no incidence of delayed conception.
d = Animals with incidence of delayed conception.
LL = Average lactation length.
MxY and MnY = Average maximum and minimum milk yields, respectively.
Projection of total losses due to delayed conception at the state level
Following equation was used to project the total loss due to delayed conception at the state level:
DC = Total loss due to delayed conception in the state.
i = The animal category,
i.e. crossbred animals (milch and heifers) and indigenous animals (milch and heifers).
n = Different components of losses due to delayed conception.
i = The incidence of delayed animals in ith category of animals.
i = The population of animals in the ith category at risk.
C = The cost of nth component.
Estimation of potential losses avoided due to use of ‘ICAR-IVRI Crystoscope’ technology
The animals which exhibited delayed conception on account of failure to detect optimum breeding time in villages without ‘
ICAR-IVRI Crystoscope’ intervention served as the control cases. The animals which exhibited delayed conception on account of failure to detect optimum breeding time in villages with ‘
ICAR-IVRI Crystoscope’ intervention served as the treatment cases. The incidence of delayed conception due to failure to detect optimum breeding time and number of days delayed in control animals were compared with the same in treatment animals. The total loss at the state level due to delayed conception on account of failure to detect optimum breeding time was estimated using the two incidence rates,
viz. incidence rate in control villages and incidence rates in treatment villages. The difference in the total losses as obtained using these two incidence rates was the savings from use of ‘
ICAR-IVRI Crystoscope’ in the state of Jammu and Kashmir.
Factors influencing per animal loss due to delayed conception
A multiple regression equation was fitted to ascertain the influence ofrelevant factors on per animal loss due to delayed conception:
i = α + β
1 + β
2 + β
3 + β
1 + µ
i = Loss due to delayed conception in individual animal i; D = A dummy variable representing the variable crossbred animal (D= 1 if the animal is crossbred and D
1= 0 the animal is indigenous).
2 = A dummy variable representing the variable ‘milch animal’ (D2= 1 in case of milch animal and D2= 0 if the animal is a heifer).
3 = A dummy variable representing the variable ‘Use of ICAR-IVRI Crystoscope’ (D3= 1 if ‘ICAR-IVRI Crystoscope’ was used to detect optimum breeding time and D3= 0, otherwise).
1 = The number of days delayed for individual animal.