A significant decrease (0.67 to 9.10%) was observed in the protein value of malted, blanched and pan roasted flours, compared to unprocessed flours (Table 1). Among different types of processed flours, the maximum protein content was found in oven roasted pearl millet flour while minimum was detected in malted (germination- 30°C, 72 hours). There are different theories governing reasons for such reduction in protein content of processed grains that, the grain protein get hydrolyzed during metabolic changes accompanying germination which is a step in preparation of malt. Some workers suggested that protein content decreased due to leaching of water soluble amino acids and other light weight compounds of nitrogen during moist processing treatments
(Nithya et al., 2007). The decrease in protein of malted flour was more compared to roasted and this may be due to hydrolysis of protein for supporting growth of sprouts while in roasting decline was owing to destruction of some amino acids due to heat treatment.
Malting, blanching and roasting of HC-20 and
Dhanshakti varieties, caused 3.71 to 18.90 and 2.37 to 21.20 per cent, decrement in the fat value, respectively (Table 2). The processed and unprocessed HC-20 variety’s fat value was significantly more than
Dhanshakti. This reduction of fat in germinated flours (malt) was explicated to enhancement in the lipolytic enzymes’ activity or due to utilization of grain nutrients by growing shoots during germination
(Jan et al., 2018; Khare et al., 2021). It is proposed that subjecting of pearl millet to heat treatments during malting, blanching and roasting dissociated fatty acids from fat thereby causing reduction in fat content of processed flours. The consequence of these chemical changes also augmented storage stability in processed flours (
Olagunju and Ifesan, 2013;
Jan et al., 2016).
Amount of ash in blanched and roasted pearl millet flours, of both the varieties, increased from 4.23 to 30.68 per cent compared to unprocessed flours (Table 3). This increase may be due to modification in the molecular structure of grains and decrease in the content of oxalates, phytates, tannins (
Krishnan and Meera, 2018) and insoluble dietary fibres in processed grains (
Pushparaj and Urooj, 2011;
Tiwari et al., 2014). In malted flours ash (mineral matter) decreased by 4.83 to 8.99 per cent, in comparison to unprocessed, and this may be owing to leaching and loss of soluble mineral ions from grains soaked in water, a step during malting, or due to their utilization by the growing sprouts
(Bhati et al., 2016). HC 20 pearl millet variety’s ash was higher than that of
Dhanshakti and this may be due to variations in characteristics of different varieties, diverse cultivation environment, soil quality, harvesting time
etc. (Govindaraj et al., 2010).
Nutrient availability
There was 4.06 to 26.46 and 7.99 to 100.92 percent increase in the protein and starch digestibility of processed flours (Table 4, 5). Maximum improvement was observed for malted flours followed by roasted and blanched. This improvement in protein digestibility of processed flours was explained due to modification in their protein structure, decreased resistance of proteins to enzyme action, degradation of complex protein-polyphenol complexes and increased exposure of peptide bonds to proteases
(Dharmaraj et al., 2013; Tiwari et al., 2014; Bhati et al., 2016). Some studies proposed that improvement in the processed grain assimilation capacity may be attributed to increased activities of amylases and β glucanase enzymes during germination which were responsible for hydrolysing endosperm cell wall and increased availability of starch (Bhandal, 2008;
Nambiar et al., 2011; Iswarya and Narayanan, 2016). Some researchers advocated that soaking, sprouting, malting, roasting and boiling treatments reduced the antinutrients
(Kamalasundari et al., 2019; Sharma and Sahni, 2021), non starch polysaccharides and fibre complexes in grains so as to improve their nutritional merit
(Dicko et al., 2006; Platel et al., 2010; Daniel et al., 2011; Jan et al., 2016; Jimenez et al., 2020).
Shelf life characteristics
A gradual increase was observed in the level of fatty acids and peroxides in stored flours (Fig 1, 2), which is a sign of breakdown of fat by lipase and also indicates deterioration of quality of flour during storage (
Pawar and Machewad, 2006;
Jalgaonkar et al., 2016). All types of unprocessed flours were noted to have fatty acid and peroxides higher than that of processed flours beyond 70 days of storage, thus suggesting that processing improved the shelf life characteristics, which is an indicator of storage life, of processed flour compared to unprocessed flours. This improvement in the shelf life of processed grains may be due to purging of micro-organisms, lowering of water activity, riddance from anti-nutritional factors, decrease in lipase enzyme activity
etc. due to processing
(Liu et al., 2012; Shobhana et al., 2012; Hithamani and Srinivasan, 2014;
Pandey and Awasthi, 2015;
Bhati et al., 2016; Atlaw et al., 2018).