The samples were used to determine the net effect of hot water treatment and MAP on the shelf life of Banarasi langra mangoes stored at 10 and 15°C. These treatments’ impact on the physiology and quality of fresh mangoes are summarized below:
Fruit weight loss
MAP reduced the weight loss considerably in comparison to the control fruits. Significant (p<0.05) weight loss was observed in all samples; however, the maximum weight loss (15.19 g) was observed in untreated mangoes packed in B and stored at 15°C, while the minimum weight loss (10 g) occurred in treated mangoes packed in A and stored at 10°C (Table 1). Both hot water treatment and gas composition were significant (p<0.05). Weight loss was positively correlated with O
2 content inside the packaging but negatively correlated with CO
2 content. Fruit weight loss may have been reduced at low O
2 and high CO
2 concentrations within the package due to decreased transpiration and respiration rates. After 15 days of storage, fruits without MAP lost 8.8% of their initial fresh weight, exhibiting early signs of skin wrinkling. Fruit firmness decreased as storage time increased and hot water treatment inhibited fruit firmness.
Ramayya et al., (2012) found weight loss in Alphonso mangoes at 40°C to be slightly lower than at other temperatures (20 and 30°C) stored at 10°C.
Total soluble solids (TSS)
During the storage period, the TSS content of all samples increased significantly (p<0.05) (Table 1). At the end of the storage period of 25 days, the maximum increase in TSS was recorded for untreated samples (18.89%) packed in B and stored at 15°C. Compared to the other test samples, the increase in TSS for treated samples packed in A and stored at 10°C was significantly lower (p<0.05). The rise in TSS could be attributed to changes in the cell wall structure and the breakdown of complex carbohydrates into simple sugars during storage. This increase and decrease in TSS are directly related to hydrolytic changes in starch. Starch conversion to sugar is an essential indicator of ripening in mango and other climatic fruits
(Kudachikar et al., 2001). Doreyappy and Huddar (2001) observed a similar pattern of TSS change in mature green Alphanso and different seven hybrid varieties of mango fruit, where TSS content increased from 8.55 to 19.0 Brix during ripening storage at 10-15°C. Similar findings are reported by
Karuna et al., (2015) in mango cv. Langra and
Gupta and Jain (2014) in mango cv. Dashehari in ambient storage conditions.
It was found that the product % titratable acidity decreased over a 25-day storage period (Table 1). The reduction in acidity was significantly (p<0.05) lower for the treated samples stored under A. The maximum decrease in acidity (0.047%) was recorded for untreated mangoes stored in A at 15°C, followed by untreated samples (0.049%) stored in B at 15°C. A minimum decrease (0.065%) was observed for treated samples stored in A at 10°C, followed by treated samples (0.064%) stored in B at 15°C. This decrease in acidity could be attributed to citric acid degradation during the ripening process. Acidity may be reduced due to their conversion into sugars and subsequent utilization in metabolic processes in the fruit. These findings are consistent with those of
Srinivasa et al., (2002), who reported that titratable acidity values of Alphonso mango, whether packed in carton or control sample, decreased to 0.08% from 2.17% after 12 days of storage at ambient temperature 27±1°C and 65% relative humidity.
Djioua et al., (2009) observed similar changes in hot water-treated ‘Keitt’ mangoes.
During the storage period, the pH of all mango samples increased. The hot water dip and MAP had a significant (p<0.05) effect on the pH, as shown in Table 1. The best results were obtained from treated samples stored in A at 10°C, with a pH (3.88) close to the initial (3.47). The maximum increase in pH, 4.61, was observed in untreated samples packed in A and stored at 15°C.
Doreyappy and Huddar’s (2001) earlier research findings, in which a significant increase in pH (2.85 to 4.38) and decrease in acidity (2.71 to 0.04%) were observed during the ripening of different varieties of mango fruit stored at 18-34°C.
Ascorbic acid
Fruits are natural sources of ascorbic acid and its level is known to decrease during processing and ripening. All samples showed a significant (p<0.05) reduction in ascorbic acid content from the initial ascorbic acid content of 151.23 mg/100 gm. Mangoes dipped in hot water and stored under A at 10°C showed the slightest average decrease (95.6 mg/100 g) but played a vital role (p<0.05). The maximum reduction in ascorbic acid content was found for untreated mangoes stored in B at 15°C (68.7 mg/100 gm) (Fig 1a, b). Ascorbic acid content decreases with storage time. Ascorbic acid was oxidized to dehydroascorbic acid during storage by oxidizing enzymes such as ascorbic acid oxidase, peroxidase, catalase and polyphenol oxidase
(Mazurek and Pankiewiez, 2012).
Djioua et al., (2009) and
Ramayya et al., (2012) found higher ascorbic acid retention in mangoes dipped in hot water maintained at 50°C/30 min and 40°C/40 min, respectively.
Carotenoid content
Fruit color develops evenly due to carotenoids and this pigment is responsible for mangoes’ bright yellow color. The carotenoid content of all samples increased over 25 days from an initial value of 0.0043 µg (Fig 1c, d). It was observed that untreated mangoes packed in A and stored at 15°C underwent maximum ripening indicated by the highest carotenoid value of 0.0211µg followed by untreated samples (0.0185 µg) stored in B at 15°C. Treated samples showed a significantly (p<0.05) lesser increase in carotenoid value, where the slightest increase of 0.0120 µg was demonstrated by the samples stored in A at 10°C. Mangoes packed under initial A conditions turned to yellowish ripe fruit color faster, followed by other states. The hot water dipping treatment effectively delayed ripening, with mangoes initially dipped in water maintained at (40±2°C) showing the minimal color change. This is consistent with the findings of
Ortega-Zaleta et al. (2000) and
Djioua et al., (2009), who found that hot water dipping at high temperatures (40±2°C) is beneficial in maintaining uniform good ripening color of the fruit.
Puncture strength
Shalom et al., (1996) reported that one of the main factors contributing to firmness, an essential factor in the fruit selection and retention due to heat treatment, is inhibition of solubilization of the carbonate-soluble pectin fraction. Pectic substances are structural polysaccharides responsible for the firmness of the fruits. Fruit softening occurs when these pectin polymers become less tightly bound in the cell walls during ripening, resulting in a decrease in puncture strength. Fruit firmness differed significantly (p<0.05) between treated and untreated samples and between samples stored under different gas compositions. The firmness of treated samples stored in A at 10°C decreases 0.483 g significantly (p<0.05). Fig 1e and f showed the untreated samples (0.222 g each) experienced the most significant reduction in firmness when stored in A at 15°C. The decline in puncture strength score during storage could be attributed to the breakdown of insoluble pectic substances to soluble forms
via a series of physico-chemical changes caused by pectic enzymes such as esterase and polygalacturonidase, which are formed in the tissues during ripening
(Weichmann, 1987). The storage temperature also played a significant (p<0.05) role in keeping the fruit firm. These findings are consistent with the findings of
Opara et al., (2000), who found that the firmness of Buoi mango was highly dependent on storage temperature, with an increase in temperature (27°C) accelerating ripening and decreasing firmness.
Ramayya et al., (2012) found that mangoes dipped in hot water at 40°C for 40 minutes retained firmness better than mangoes dipped at 30 and 20°C.