Growth attributes
Plant height was significantly affected by fly ash and phosphorous levels at spikelet formation. The maximum plant height (179.2 cm) was recorded in 10 t ha-1 fly ash which was significantly higher than control (175.8 cm), but it was statistically at par with fly ash @ 5 t ha-1 (Table 1). This might be due to favourable changes in physical and microbiological properties of soil and also due to addition of considerable amounts of essential nutrients to soil by fly ash. The significant increase in micronutrient content in fly ash amended soil was also reported by Deshmukh et al., (2000).
Plant height (180.4 cm) was higher under 40 kg P
5 ha
-1, which was significantly higher than control and 20 kg P
5 ha
-1 and it was statistically at par with 30 kg P
5 ha
-1. This consummate effect of P fertilization on growth of oats might be due to it decisive role in voluminous root development which facilitate the crop to excerpt water and minerals from deeper zones. These results corroborate with the findings of
Singh et al., (2006) and
Tomar et al., (2013).
A perusal of data showed that dry matter accumulation fly ash @ 10 t ha
-1 was recorded highest dry matter accumulation (152.2 q ha
-1), which was significantly higher than control (141.7 q ha
-1) and 5 t ha
-1 (146.9 q ha
-1) (Table 1). This might be due to favourable changes in physical and microbiological properties of soil and also fly ash adds considerable amounts of essential nutrients to soil. The addition of fly ash in sandy soils as a replacement of P and K fertilizer increased the dry matter production of clover (
Summers et al., 1998). The significant increase in micronutrient content in fly ash amended soil was also reported by
Deshmukh et al., (2000).
The effect of phosphorus on the dry matter accumulation of oats was found to be positive and significant. The highest dry matter accumulation was recorded under P
5 applied at the rate of 40 kg ha
-1, which was significantly higher than control and 10 kg ha
-1 and but it was statistically at par with 20 kg P
5 ha
-1. The increases in dry weight due to P application may be attributable to the fact that P is known to help in the development of more extensive root system and nodulation and thus enables plants to absorb more water and nutrients from depth of the soil. This in turn could enhance the plant’s ability to produce more assimilates which were reflected in the high dry weight. Similar results have been reported by
El- Habbasha et al., (2005) and
Gobarah et al., (2006).
A perusal of data (Table 1) show that increasing levels of fly ash increase leaf area index. Highest leaf area index (3.35) was observed with fly ash @ 10 t ha
-1, which was statistically at par with fly ash @ 5 t ha
-1 and it was significantly higher than control. The increase in enzyme activity might be due to increased microbial population as the fly ash with extreme fineness and more than 1 per cent organic carbon could serve as good medium for their growth and proliferation was reported by
Lal et al., (1996).
The highest leaf area index was found in 40 kg P
5 ha
-1, being statistically at par with 20 kg P
5 ha
-1 and significantly higher than control (0 kg P
5 ha
-1) and 10 kg P
5 ha
-1. It may also be due to the fact that optimum availability of phosphorous has been associated with increased rapid growth and development, thus those plots which received optimum phosphorous produced more number of branches/plant as compared to control plots.
Fodder yield
Perusals of data showed that green fodder yield significantly improved with the fly ash and phosphorous levels (Table 2). The green fodder yield was improved with the application of fly ash. The maximum green fodder yield was recorded with the application of 10 t ha
-1 fly ash which was significantly higher than 0 and 5 t ha
-1 fly ash. Green fodder yield increased significantly with the increase in phosphorous levels. Highest green fodder yield was observed in treatment having 40 kg P
5 ha
-1 phosphorous which was significantly higher than other phosphorous treatments. The lowest green fodder yield was observed in control treatment. Such a positive yield response of phosphorus application in obvious when it is deficient in the growing medium. The soil samples analyzed before start of the experiment also showed that the available phosphorus status of the soil in the experimental site was in medium range (32 kg P
5/ha). The highest fodder yield was recorded in plots treated with the application of P
5 @ 40 kg ha
-1 along with the application of fly ash @ 10 t ha
-1 and it was statistically at par with 20 kg P
5 ha
-1 and application of fly ash @ 10 t ha
-1 and application of fly ash @ 5 t ha
-1 with 40 kg P
5 ha
-1. The lowest fodder yield was recorded with P
5 @ 0 kg ha
-1 along with phosphorous @ 0 kg P
5 ha
Yield attributes of oats
The highest number of effective tillers/meter row length (118.7) was recorded with fly ash @ 10 t ha
-1, which was statistically at par with fly ash @ 5 t ha
-1 and it was significantly higher than control (Table 3). This might be due to favourable changes in physical and microbiological properties of soil and also fly ash adds considerable amounts of essential nutrients to soil. The application of fly ash in the soil increases the soil structure by improving the porosity, increasing the depth of penetration of the plant root system and enhancement of soil water-holding capacity
(Kene et al., 1991).
The effect of different levels of phosphorus was significant on number of effective tillers/m row length. The highest number of effective tillers/meter row length (118.6) was recorded with 40 kg P
5/ha, which was significantly higher than control, 10 and 20 kg P
5/ha. The interaction effect between different fly ash and phosphorous levels showed that non-significant effect on number of effective tillers/m row length of oats.
A perusal of data (Table 3) showed that different fly ash and phosphorous levels had significant effect on number of grains/ear of oat. The number of grains/ear increased with increase fly ash levels. The highest number of grains/ear (111.6) was recorded at fly ash @ 10 t ha
-1 application and it was significantly higher than control and 10 t fly ash ha
-1. The significant increase in micronutrient content in fly ash amended soil was also reported by
Deshmukh et al., (2000).
Application of graded level of phosphorus significantly upgraded the number of grains/ear in oats. The highest number of grains/ear (111.9) was recorded in 40 kg P
5 ha
-1 treatment and it was significantly higher than 0 and 10 kg P
5 ha
-1 treatments, but it was statistically at par with 20 kg P
5 ha
-1. The interaction effect between different fly ash and phosphorous levels showed that non-significant effect on number of grains/ear of oats
The data showed a significant effect of different levels of fly ash on 1000-seed weight of oat (Table 3). There was increase in 1000-grain weight progressively as increase in fly ash quantity. The highest 1000- grain weight (24.8 g) was recorded with fly ash @ 10 t ha
-1, which was statistically at par with fly ash @ 5 t ha
-1, but it was significantly higher than control. This might be due to favourable changes in physical and microbiological properties of soil because application of fly ash in the soil increases the soil structure by improving the porosity, increasing the depth of penetration of the plant root system and enhancement of soil water-holding capacity
(Kene et al., 1991).
The highest 1000-grain weight was recorded with the application of 40 kg P
5 ha
-1 which was significantly higher than 0 and 10 kg P
5 ha
-1 but it was statistically at par with 20 kg P
5 ha
-1. The propitious outcome was due to regulatory function of P in photosynthesis that escalates carbohydrate accumulation and sugar metabolism. It also coordinates starch: sucrose ratio and governs proper mobilization of photosynthates that lead to increased 1000-seed weight. Similar results were also reported
Biswas et al., (2009) and
Khan et al., (2017). Interaction effect between fly ash and phosphorous levels with respect to 1000-grain weight found to be non-significant.
Productivity of oats
Grain yield increase with increased fly ash applied of crop (Table 4). The highest grain yield (21.52 q ha
-1) was recorded in fly ash @ 10 t ha
-1 which was significantly higher than control and 5 t ha
-1. This might be due to favourable changes in physical and microbiological properties of soil and also fly ash adds considerable amounts of essential nutrients to soil. The fly ash application increased the seed grain yield of
kharif and
rabi crops during their respective seasons of growth
(Kuchanwar et al., (1997). Similar results of increased growth and yield of plants in soil and composts amended with fly ash have been reported (
Prasad et al., 2000).
Further perusal of the data revealed that grain yield of oats varied significantly due to phosphorous levels. The highest grain yield (21.35 q ha
-1) was obtained in 40 kg P
5 ha
-1 which was significantly higher than other phosphorous levels
viz., 0 kg P
5 ha
-1 (17.35 q/ha) and 10 kg P
5 ha
-1 (19.81 q/ha), but it was statistically at par with 20 kg P
5 ha
-1 (20.87 q/ha). Higher grain yield obtained in higher level of phosphorous which might be due to the promotion effect of P fertilization on growth parameters like plant height, dry matter, number of branches was attributed to better development of root system and nutrient absorption led to higher yield attributes. The increases in dry weight due to P application may be attributable to the fact that P is known to help in the development of more extensive root system and nodulation and thus enables plants to absorb more water and nutrients from depth of the soil. This in turn could enhance the plant’s ability to produce more assimilates which were reflected in the high pod yield. Similar results have been reported by
El-Habbasha et al., (2005) and
Gobarah et al., (2006).
The interaction effect between fly ash and phosphorous levels on grain yield was found to be significant (Table 5). The highest grain yield (22.97 q ha
-1) was recorded in plots treated with the application of P
5 @ 40 kg ha
-1 along with the application of fly ash @ 10 t ha
-1 and it was statistically at par with 20 kg P
5 ha
-1 and application of fly ash @ 10 t ha-
1. The lowest grain yield (15.75 q ha
-1) was recorded in plots treated with P
5 @ 0 kg ha
-1 along with phosphorous @ 0 kg P
5 ha
The data showed an increase in straw yield with each increment of fly ash (Table 4). The highest straw yield (105.8 q ha
-1) was obtained at fly ash @ 10 t ha
-1, which was statically at par with fly ash @ 5 t ha
-1 (102.4 q ha
-1) and it was significantly higher than control. This might be due to favourable changes in physical and microbiological properties of soil and also fly ash adds considerable amounts of essential nutrients to soil.
Selvakumari et al., (2000) reported that better supply of nutrients, conductive physical environment leading to better aeration, root activity and nutrient absorption and the consequent complementary effect owing to FA application would have resulted in higher straw and grain yield of rice.
Straw yield of oats varied significantly due to phosphorous levels. The highest straw yield (105.7 q ha
-1) was obtained in 40 kg P
5 ha
-1 which was significantly higher than other phosphorous levels
viz., 0 kg P
5 ha
-1 (91.7 q ha
-1) and 10 kg P
5 ha
-1 (103.3 q ha
-1), but it was statistically at par with 20 kg P
5 ha
-1 (105.1 q ha
-1). The interaction effect between fly ash and phosphorous levels on straw yield was found to be non-significant.
The biological yield in oats was significantly influenced by different levels of phosphorus (Table 4). The highest biological yield (127.3 q ha
-1) was obtained at fly ash @ 10 t ha
-1, which was statically at par with fly ash @ 5 t ha
-1 (122.2 q ha
-1) and it was significantly higher than control. Biological yield of oats varied significantly due to phosphorous levels. The highest biological yield (127.1 q ha
-1) was recorded in 40 kg P
5 ha
-1 which was significantly higher than other phosphorous levels
viz., 0 kg P
5 ha
-1 (109.0 q ha
-1) and 10 kg P
5 ha
-1 (123.1 q ha
-1), but it was statistically at par with 20 kg P
5 ha
-1 (125.9 q ha
-1). The interaction effect between fly ash and phosphorous levels on biological yield was found to be non-significant.
The data pertaining to the harvest index showed that different fly ash levels had non-significant effect on harvest index of oats (Table 4). The data indicated that harvest index increase with increased fly ash applied of crop. The maximum harvest index (16.89%) was recorded at fly ash @ 10 t ha
-1. However, minimum harvest index was recorded (15.91%) in control. This might be due to favourable changes in physical and microbiological properties of soil and also fly ash adds considerable amounts of essential nutrients to soil
(Selvakumari et al., 2000). Different phosphorous levels had non-significant effect on harvest index of oats. However, the highest harvest index was observed in 40 kg P
5 ha
-1. Interaction effect between fly ash and phosphorous levels with respect to harvest index in oats found to be non-significant.