Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research

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Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 39 issue 4 (december 2020) : 304-307

Phytobioactives as An Alternate Approach to Prevent Retention of Fetal Membrane

Meenal Bharadwaj, K.V. Singh, Vandana Sharma, Saurabh Agrawal
1Department of Animal Husbandry, Meerut-250 001, Uttar Pradesh, India.<br />&nbsp;
Cite article:- Bharadwaj Meenal, Singh K.V., Sharma Vandana, Agrawal Saurabh (2020). Phytobioactives as An Alternate Approach to Prevent Retention of Fetal Membrane. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 39(4): 304-307. doi: 10.18805/ajdfr.DR-1563.
Background: Postparturient apathy has always been a matter of concern for livestock owners keeping in view the associated problems and its consequential effects on production. In the present study, the efficacy of a polyherbal preparation on timely expulsion of fetal membranes was attempted in periparturient cows.
Methods: The dairy animals were divided into 3 groups; first group of animals received herbal preparation once a day for 5 days as a prophylactic measure. The second group of animals was given herbal tonic as a therapy/treatment in cases where expulsion of fetal membranes was delayed. The third group served as control. Blood was collected at regular interval to assess innate immune response. 
Result: The herbal formulation succeeded in complete expulsion of fetal membranes within 3hrs and emerged as a promising prophylactic tool in preventing retention of placenta, with added effect in enhancing innate immunity as monitored by evident rise in leucocytic population. The animals in which the herbal formulation was given as therapy responded with expulsion of fetal membranes within 7-8 hours post treatment while in the control group complications were evident and required technical assistance in many cases. Administration of herbal liquid reduced the cases of ROP, enhanced local immune response as well as brought about an upgradation in the general health condition of the animals.
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