Chemicals and materials
Dried rhizomes of
Curcuma domestica Valet. (Turmeric) were obtained from local market. The methanol (>99%), ethanol (> 99%) and acetone (>99%) were obtained from Merck (Mumbai, India). Carbon dioxide (99.9%) was provided by Kentech Associate Pvt. Ltd. (Kanpur, India). Pure curcuminoids standard (99% w/w) was obtained from Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (Hyderabad, India).
The experiments were conducted in the year 2013-14 at Industrial Pollution Control Lab, Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology, IIT (BHU), Varanasi. The dried rhizomes were ground by edge runner mill (Elico, Hyderabad, India) and average particle size were determined using sieve shaker fitted with 0.833 mm, 0.417 mm and 0.246 mm sieves. After particle size analysis, the different sized materials were packed in plastic bags and stored in refrigerator for further investigation.
Taguchi methodology
The Taguchi method is a commonly adopted approach for optimizing operating parameters. The method was originally proposed as a means of improving the quality of products through the application of statistical and engineering concepts. The effects of several process parameters can be determined effectively by carrying out matrix experiments based on the Taguchi’s orthogonal design. Since experimental procedures are expensive and time consuming, the need to satisfy the design objectives with the least number of tests is clearly an important requirement. The Taguchi method involves laying out the experimental conditions using specially constructed tables known as ‘‘orthogonal arrays’’. The use of these tables ensures that the experimental design is both straight forward and consistent. Adopting the Taguchi approach, the number of analytical explorations required to develop a robust design are significantly reduced which resulted in minimization of overall testing time and the experimental costs (
Roy, 2001). Orthogonal experiment selects the parameters affecting experimental target as factors. Each factor has several levels. Then orthogonal table was selected by the number of factors and levels.
Temperature and pressure are two most important parameters in the supercritical fluid extraction. The increase of temperature reduces the density of SC-CO
2 (for a fixed pressure) thus reducing the solvating power of the supercritical solvent; but it also increases the vapour pressure of the compounds to be extracted which increases the tendency of these compounds to pass in the fluid phase. Therefore, the extraction pressure is most relevant parameter and can be used to tune the selectivity of the supercritical fluid. However, the general rule is that the higher is the pressure, the larger is the solvent power and the smaller is the extraction selectivity. The other crucial parameters are CO
2 flow rate, particle size and duration of the process (extraction time).
In the present study, a L9 orthogonal table was used which formed with four factors (pressure, temperature, flow rate of CO
2 and particle size) and three levels each (Table 1). The design completes the optimization process in just 9 runs as against 81 trials if a full factorial design was followed. However, each combination was performed in three replications to minimize the experimental error. Though L9 orthogonal array has few experimental conditions, number of replication employed overcomes the higher orthogonal arrays like L27. The initial parameters were selected on the basis of considering general rule as shown in Table 2. After conducting the experiments, the results were converted into signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio data. The Signal-to-Noise (S/N) ratio was computed for each level of process parameters. Regardless of the category of the quality, the lower is better, the higher is better and the nominal is better, a larger S/N ratio corresponds to better quality characteristics. In other words, the optimal level of the process parameters is the level with the greatest S/N ratio. This was the foundation for the decision of the optimum level for each factor. Since the current study takes the percentage extraction of the quality characteristics and the main objective of the study was higher yield for the extract and curcumin quantity, hence, the higher is better criterion was applied when evaluating the S/N ratios of the various extraction parameters. S/N ratio for the higher is better is:

i= Quality of i
th trial.
n= Number of trials.
Supercritical fluid extraction
The supercritical fluid extraction system and components were acquired from Thar Technologies, Inc. (Pittsburgh, PA) which had the following main parts: extraction vessel of 500 mL capacity, model P-series high pressure dual piston pump, electrical heater, automated back pressure regulator model BPR-A-200B and collection vessel of 500 mL capacity. The system was controlled by software namely “
Process suite program” provided by Thar Technologies, Inc. (Pittsburgh, PA).
For each experimental run, 50 g of turmeric powder of uniform size was taken and loaded into extraction vessel. Liquid CO
2 was supplied from a cylinder with siphon tube arrangement. Before compression, the CO
2 was cooled by passing it through a chiller. Cooled CO
2 was pumped to the extraction vessel using high pressure pump through an electric heater where CO
2 was heated upto required extraction temperature. The CO
2 at supercritical state flowed into the extractor, where it is compressed upto required pressure and came in contact with the turmeric powder. Pressure was controlled by automated back pressure regulator (ABPR). After extraction the oil-laden CO
2 was led into a collection vessel and finally released to the atmosphere. Extract of turmeric was collected from bleed valve of collection vessel into a sample bottle covered with silver foil and was kept in refrigerator. The extraction time was 180 min. Table 3 shows the results of the corresponding experiment.
Solvent extraction
50 g of turmeric powder of known size was taken along with 400 mL of methanol for the extraction in a soxhlet extraction apparatus of 1000 mL capacity
(Kulkarni et al., 2012). Heating mantle was used to heat the solvent. Water was circulated as a cooling medium through the condenser. The temperature of heater was maintained at 70oC throughout the experiment. Evaporation process was completed in 120 minutes. Extract was stored in sample bottle covered with silver foil and was kept in refrigerator for further analysis.
Quantification of curcumin
Quantification of curcumin was done by UV-Visible Spectrophotometer (159 SL, Elico, Hyderabad, India). For curcumin, maximum absorbance was obtained at 427 nm wavelength. Standards of different concentration were prepared by diluting the curcumin using ethanol as a solvent. Calibration curve between concentration and absorbance was obtained and found straight line as given below.
A = 0.173 C-0.008
A= Absorbance.
C= Concentration in mg/L.
Concentration of curcumin in each sample was calculated by above equation.