Amaranthus hypochondriacus Durga and buckwheat (
Fagopyrum spp) grains samples were obtained from National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR), Phagli, Shimla, H.P., India. Corn starch (CS) sample was procured from Starch Company namely; M/S. Sukhjeet Starch and Chemicals Ltd., Phagwara, Punjab, India. Chemicals used in the entire research were of AR grade.
The experiments were conducted at two different places namely at Department of Food Engineering and Tech., SLIET, Longowal, Sangrur, Punjab, India and Department of Dairy Engineering, College of Dairy Science and Tech. (CoDST), Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (GADVASU), Ludhiana, Punjab, India. in session 2018-19.
Amaranth starch was extracted from defatted flours of amaranth grain by modified method of
Choi et al., (2004). Defatted amaranth grain flours were then soaked for 20 h in NaOH solution of 0.25%, (w/v), at 4°C. In case of buckwheat starch, defatted buckwheat flour was soaked overnight in NaOH solutions of 0.2 N at ambient temperature in the month of March (23-30°C).The treated amaranth and buckwheat flours slurries were screened through British Standard Size sieve (250 mesh) for proper removal of fibrous portion of grain. Thus starch milk was collected as filterate and centrifuged (Eltek 4100 F) at 3000 rpm for 15 min. After centrifugation, protein layer was scraped off and starch was dried at 40°C and packed in polyethylene (PE) bags for further study. However, corn starch was directly purchased and packed in PE bags for its analysis and till its usage.
Starch Properties
Hunter colorimeter (Model i5 Green Macbeth, USA) was used to estimate the color of amaranth starch, buckwheat starch and corn starch samples. Data obtained was noted down for color determination of starch samples.
Amylose content
Amaranth and buckwheat starch samples (70 mg) were mixed with 10 ml of urea and in DMSO (Di-methyl-sulphoxide) solution in 1:9 ratio. The mixed solution incubated and is added (0.5 ml) to 25 ml of dis. water, along with 1 ml of Iodine (I) and potassium Iodide (KI) solutions. This 1 ml solution was prepared by the addition of 2 mg Iodine and 20 mg potassium Iodide and then the volume was make-up to 1 ml by distilled water. (
Morrison and Laignelet, 1983).

Amylose content (%) = 28.414 Blue Value (2)
Water/Oil Absorption Capacity (W/OAC)
Amaranth starch, buckwheat starch and corn starch samples were determined for water binding and oil binding, capacities by the method described by
Medcalf and Gills, (1965). Starch sample of 5 g was taken and dissolved in 75 ml of dis. water and groundnut oil. The starch samples were then agitated for 1h and centrifuged at 3000 rpm for a period of 10 min. Excess water and oil recovered from every starch sample was removed however the weight of the sendiment was observed. The water and oil binding, capacity was calculated as follows;

Swelling power
Homogeneous mixture of amaranth starch, buckwheat starch and corn starch (1.0 g, dry basis) in luke warm water (35mL) were heated at 95°C for 30 min. Samples were then cooled for 1 h in cold water and then centrifuged (Made: Remi Laboratory Ltd., Mumbai, India, Model; C-24, BL) at 12,500 rpm for 30 min. The supernatant layer was poured through double folded muslin cloth and gel is collected on filter muslin cloth
(Kong et al., 2010). The weight of sediment was recorded for swelling power.

Edible films preparation process
The film formation process was standardized for obtaining polymeric edible film of desired quality attributes according to
Chandla et al., (2017a) with little modification as per variation in starch source. After carrying out the primary trials, separately for amaranth starch, buckwheat starch and corn starch, the edible biodegradable film formation process was standardized. During amaranth starch films development, 8.0 gm of starch, 2.0 gm of the plasticizer was added in 100 ml of luke warm water and solution prepared was heated to 90°C till gelation occur. During the buckwheat and corn starch film formations, 5.0 gm of starch, 2.0 of the plasticizer was added in 100 ml of water and thus the solution prepared was mixed well and heated to 90°C till gelation appears in the starch solutions. The petri dish is used for casting the slurries. Before pouring the cooked starch solutions, groundnut oil is applied on the surface of petri dishes, to ease the peeling of edible films after it gets dried. After ensuring the gelation point of cooked starch solutions, pouring and casting was done in petri dishes. Petri dishes which contain the cooked starch solutions were dried in cabinet dryer without disturbing the casting starch solutions at 45°C for 20 hours as shown in Fig 1. Films were then peeled off after ensuring their thorough matrix formation as shown in Fig 2. Developed edible biodegradable films were then placed in desiccators and stored in desiccators till evaluation.
Functional properties of films
Film thickness
The thickness of the developed edible films from amaranth starch, buckwheat starch and corn starch was determined with a manual micrometer (Mitutoyo Corporation, Kanagawa, Japan: Mitutoyo 2046F) with an accuracy of ± 1µm. The average value of five thickness measurements at different locations of the film was recorded.
Moisture content
Moisture content (MC) of the amaranth starch, buckwheat starch and corn starch based edible film was determined using standard analysis methods of the
AOAC (1995). Edible films were cut into small pieces of each (~1.0 g) and dried in cabinet oven at 120°C, for approximate 5 h to 6 h and till the weight of sample becomes constant. The reported results represent the average of five samples in case of films prepared from amaranth starch, buckwheat starch and corn starch. The percentage of moisture content in the edible films was calculated as follow.

Mw is the mass of the wet sample and MD is the mass of the dried sample.
Tensile strength
Tensile strength (TS) of edible films was determined using a texture analyzer, Model; TA.XT2i, SMS, Surrey, England. Edible films were cut into strips of size 20 mm wide and 50 mm long and these film strips were fixed between the grips of the texture analyzer. The initial grip separation was set at 30 mm and speed at 1.0 mm/s.
Solubility of prepared edible films in water was determined by the method of C. A.
Romero-Bastida et al., (2005). Dried film samples comprising size of 20 mm × 20 mm dried were weighted. Edible films were dried at 105°C for 24 h in an oven (Macro Scientific Works (MAC) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India. Dry weight of the edible films samples was obtained after drying. Edible films samples were then submerged in a flask containing 80 mL of distilled water, at 20°C for 1h. The edible films samples were then collected gently and dried again at 105°C for 24h. Dry weights of the edible films were recorded and subsequently, reduction in weight of edible films was noted carefully. Percentage loss in weight in 1 h is considered as, per cent solubility.
Light transmittance
Transparency values of edible films were observed by UV spectrophotometer (Model; ID 5000 HACH, USA). Edible films were cut into long strips of sizes 15 mm wide and 50 mm and edible were mounted between the cuvette of spectrophotometer and transparency value of edible films from amaranth starch, buckwheat starch and corn starch were recorded at 600 nm.
Scanning electron microscopy
Optimized edible film was dried at a moisture content of 5-6% before its surface analysis. Edible film was mounted on stub and coated in auto fine coater, Model No. JEOL-JFC-1600 with gold palladium (60:40, w/w). Edible film sample was analyzed by scanning electron microscope, JEOL, Tokyo, Japan, Model No. JSM 6610-L.
Statistical evaluation
Mean value and standard deviation value was reported for the every statistical analysis. All the analysis was determined in the triplicates and then one and two way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was done, followed by Duncan’s by Mini Tab Statistic 7. (Statesoft Inc., OK, USA).