Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research

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Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 39 issue 1 (march 2020) : 40-48

Nutritional Quality and Shelf Life Extension of Capsicum (Capsicum annum) in Expanded Polyethylene Biopolymer

Sudhir Singh, S N S Chaurasia, Indivar Prasad Priti Khemariya, Tanweer Alam
1ICAR-Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Department of Vegetable production, Shahanshahpur, Varanasi-221 305, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Cite article:- Singh Sudhir, Chaurasia S N S, Khemariya Priti Prasad Indivar, Alam Tanweer (2020). Nutritional Quality and Shelf Life Extension of Capsicum (Capsicum annum) in Expanded Polyethylene Biopolymer. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 39(1): 40-48. doi: 10.18805/ajdfr.DR-1506.
Freshly harvested capsicum has limited shelf life (5-6 days) under ambient storage conditions. The functional quality of capsicum has been assessed in two sizes (300g±10%) and (900g±10%) of 30µ flex freshTM expanded polyethylene biopolymer pouches at 3 and 10oC and 90-95% RH under modified atmospheric storage. In both small and big size pouches, composition of oxygen and carbon dioxide varied from 18.8-19.9% and 18.8-19.4% and from 2.2-0.7% and 2.0-1.4%, respectively during 28 days of storage at 3oC. Positive and significant correlation was observed between overall acceptability and CO2 composition however, negative correlation was observed with O2 composition. Minimum increase (6.02% and 4.35%) in PLW, minimum decrease in firmness (4.71N-3.50N and 4.71N-2.70N), minimum decrease in chlorophyll (70.3% and 75.5%) and minimum losses (47.6% and 40.3%) of ascorbic acid were obtained after 28 days of storage in small and big size capsicum, respectively at 3oC. The decrease in total phenol and antioxidant activity was 82.4% and 78.6% and 60.1% and 59.4%, respectively after 28 days of the storage at 3oC of small and big size capsicum, respectively. Judges observed most acceptable consistency and OAA score for both sizes of capsicum in pouches up to 21 days of storage at 3oC.
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