Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research

  • Chief EditorHarjinder Singh

  • Print ISSN 0971-4456

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Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 39 issue 1 (march 2020) : 73-78

Chemical, Pasting and Sensory Characteristics of Ukpo oka - A Steamed Maize Pudding Formulated From Maize and African Yam Bean Flour

Anosike Francis Chidi, Nwagu Kingsley Ekene, Ekwu Francis, Nweke Friday Nwalo, Nwoba Sunday Theophilus, Onuegbu Rosemary Nkechinyere, Enwere Evelyn Nwakaego
1Department of Agriculture, Federal University Ndufu Alike Ikwo P.M.B 1010 Abakaliki, Nigeria.
Cite article:- Chidi Francis Anosike, Ekene Kingsley Nwagu, Francis Ekwu, Nwalo Friday Nweke, Theophilus Sunday Nwoba, Nkechinyere Rosemary Onuegbu, Nwakaego Evelyn Enwere (2020). Chemical, Pasting and Sensory Characteristics of Ukpo oka - A Steamed Maize Pudding Formulated From Maize and African Yam Bean Flour. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 39(1): 73-78. doi: 10.18805/ajdfr.DR-144.
Studies were conducted on the chemical, functional, pasting properties of the flour blends and sensory properties of ukpo oka formulated from of maize- African yam bean flour (AYBF) in order to improve the nutritional content of maize and encourage a wider utilization of the legume AYB. Supplementation of maize and African yam flour was done at 100:0, 50:50, 80:20, 60:40 and 20:80 maize: African yam bean flour, respectively. Proximate composition, functional properties, pasting properties of the flour blends was determined and sensory attributes of the products were also evaluated. The result showed that supplementation of maize with African yam bean flour significantly increased the protein, ash and fiber content of the flour blends with values ranging from 3.91 - 11.08%, 2.90 - 6.60%, 0.67 - 1.82% for protein, ash and fiber contents respectively. The protein, ash and fiber contents increased with addition of African yam bean flour while carbohydrate content of maize- African yam bean blends decreased with increase in the level of African yam bean. The values for functional properties ranged from 0.72 – 0.82g/ml, 99.33 – 323.33%, 9.01 – 19.65%, 690.00 - 978.33%, 0.67 – 1.13%, 0.484 – 1.038% for bulk density, foaming capacity, emulsion capacity, swelling capacity, water absorption capacity and oil absorption capacity respectively. Values for pasting properties of the flour blends expressed in rapid visco unit (RVU) ranges from 129.25 – 209.40, 22.55 – 67.93, 60.21 – 124.62 ,  145.25 – 247.67 , 83.37 – 84.56 , 5.47 – 5.97  and 87.19 – 141.35 for peak viscosity, break down viscosity, set back viscosity, final viscosity, pasting temperature, peak time and trough respectively. Set back viscosity and final viscosity increased with increase in the levels of African yam bean while break down viscosity decrease with the increase in the levels of African yam bean.  The products were highly rated in all sensory attributes evaluated however aroma decreases with increase in the levels of AYBF.  Product made from flour blend 50:50 was the most preferred in terms of general acceptability. 
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