Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research

  • Chief EditorHarjinder Singh

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Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 37 issue 2 (june 2018) : 114-119

Optimization of processing conditions for osmotic dehydration of orange segments

S.N. Patil, S.M. Shingade, R.C. Ranveer, A.K. Sahoo
1Department of Food Science and Technology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur-416 004, Maharashtra, India.
Cite article:- Patil S.N., Shingade S.M., Ranveer R.C., Sahoo A.K. (2018). Optimization of processing conditions for osmotic dehydration of orange segments. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 37(2): 114-119. doi: 10.18805/ajdfr.DR-1336.
The orange is 5th most important tropical fruit in the world production. The juice or pulp is extracted from the oranges and preserved for further use. Whereas for fruits and vegetables, osmotic dehydration is considered as one of best method for preservation. Hence in the present research focus on optimize process conditions for osmotic dehydration of orange segments. Fresh orange fruits were peeled and segments were separated. These segments were osmotically dehydrated at different sugar syrup concentrations 40 to 700B, time 60 - 300 min. and fruit solution ratio 1:3 to 1:5. The observation recorded with respect to water loss (WL), solid gain (SG) and weight reduction (WR). The results showed 500 B sugar syrup concentration, 300 min. time, and 1:4 fruit to solution ratio were optimum conditions to obtain water loss of 44.49 %, solid gain 6.91 % and weight reduction of 51.40%. Osmotic dehydration can be one of the alternative methods for the orange preservation than the traditional methods of food preservations. Also, it will be helpful to preserve orange segments for the longer time, which will be beneficial to small scale entrepreneur to improve their socio- economical status.  
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