Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research

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Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 37 issue 2 (june 2018) : 149-153

Assessment of nutritional and phytochemical composition of composite flour rich in functional compounds

Reema Verma, Ranu Prasad, Alka Gupta
1Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Allahabad-211 007, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Cite article:- Verma Reema, Prasad Ranu, Gupta Alka (2018). Assessment of nutritional and phytochemical composition of composite flour rich in functional compounds. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 37(2): 149-153. doi: 10.18805/ajdfr.DR-1275.
Functional food is a modified food that claims to improve health or well-being by providing benefits. Functional foods may include such items as cereals, breads and beverages these are fortified with vitamins, some herbs, and nutraceuticals. It was observed that T1 showed highest protein, fat and ash content among various treatments. T1 has highest oxylate content with respect to anti nutritional content. Here expect proximate value fibre impart functional properties to the food which has therapeutic value. T4 has highest phytic acid, flavonoids and tannin had highest amount moisture, fibre, carbohydrate and energy content while T4 has highest total phenol and DPPH scavenging activity with respect to antioxidant. The study suggests that wheat flour, barley flour, garlic powder and black cumin seed powder can be used for ready to eat functional food products and commercial purpose because of its exotic flavour and nutritive value was higher to the products than market products and helps in many metabolic diseases.
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