Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 36 issue 4 (december 2017) : 345-348

Effect of cooking methods on anti-nutrient content of Loni (Portulaca quadrifida L.) and their products development 

Anisha Verma, Neeru Bala, Nikeshwori Khangembam
1Department of Food, Nutrition and Public Health, Ethelind College of Home Science, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Allahabad-211 007, Uttar Pradesh, India
Cite article:- Verma Anisha, Bala Neeru, Khangembam Nikeshwori (2017). Effect of cooking methods on anti-nutrient content of Loni (Portulacaquadrifida L.) and their products development. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 36(4): 345-348. doi: 10.18805/ajdfr.DR-1229.
The present study is focused to analyze the nutrients and anti-nutrient content of fresh Loni, to analyze the effect of cooking methods on the anti-nutritional factors of Loni, to prepare the value added products using fresh Loni and evaluate their sensory acceptability, to determine the nutritive value of the prepared products. Nutrient composition and anti-nutritional factors of fresh and cooked loni were determined. Two food products were made by incorporation of fresh loni at 40 percent, 60 per cent and 80 per cent in ‘Crispy leafy vegetable cutlets’ and 15 per cent, 30 per cent and 45 per cent in ‘Paratha’  refers as T1, T2, T3 respectively and the control T0 was made without incorporation of loni. The products were organoleptically evaluated for sensory acceptability using nine point hedonic scale. The nutrient content of fresh Loni were moisture 90.68 %, ash 4.4 g, protein 1.4 g, fat 0.4 g, crude fiber 1.6 g, carbohydrate 2.25 g, energy 24 kcal, calcium 273 mg, iron 14.34 mg, total carotene 3124 µg per 100 g. The anti-nutritional content of loni were significantly decreased after shallow and deep frying. Organoleptically it was found that 60 per cent incorporation of fresh loni in ‘Crispy leafy vegetable cutlets’ and 30 per cent incorporation of fresh loni in Paratha was found most acceptable. As well as the incorporation level increased the amount of fibre, calcium, iron and total carotene in the prepared products. On the basis of finding it is concluded that the fresh Loni can be used in the preparation of various products to increase the level of micro-nutrients.
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