Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research

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Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 36 issue 2 (june 2017) : 150-155

Comparative studies on dehydration of mint (Mentha arvensis) by open sun drying, solar drying and hot air cabinet drying

Deepak Mehta, Alka Sharma, Neha Yadav, Tanweer Alam*, Aastha Bhardwaj
1<p>Guru Jambheshwar University of Science &amp; Technology, Hisar- 125001, India.</p>
Cite article:- Mehta Deepak, Sharma Alka, Yadav Neha, Alam* Tanweer, Bhardwaj Aastha (2017). Comparative studies on dehydration of mint (Mentha arvensis) by open sun drying, solar drying and hot air cabinet drying . Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 36(2): 150-155. doi: 10.18805/ajdfr.v36i02.7961.

One of the processes to increase the shelf life of the food products is drying and dehydration. Vegetables may be dried by different methods like solar drying, open sun drying and other mechanical methods so that they can be available during the lean season. In this study, mint was subjected to drying after giving two different treatments and their respective physical and chemical parameters were evaluated. An increase in chlorophyll content, flavonoid content and Vitamin A content was observed in all of the dried samples as they become concentrated source of nutrients. However, a decrease in polyphenol content and Vitamin C content in all of the samples was found. Drying rate of solar dryer was higher than hot air dryer and open sun drying. The aroma of dried mint was maintained in solar dried samples but was lost in hot air dryer and open sun drying.

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