Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research

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Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 36 issue 1 (march 2017) : 9-15

Development and characterization of dietary fiber and natural antioxidant supplemented Chhana based sweet dairy product ‘Sandesh’

Kaninika Paul, Charanjit S Riar*
1<p>Department of Food Engg. &amp; Tech.,&nbsp;SLIET, Longowal-148 106, Punjab, India&nbsp;</p>
Cite article:- Paul Kaninika, Riar* S Charanjit (2017). Development and characterization of dietary fiber and natural antioxidant supplemented Chhana based sweet dairy product &lsquo;Sandesh&rsquo; . Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 36(1): 9-15. doi: 10.18805/ajdfr.v36i01.7453.

“Sandesh” a traditional dairy product was restructured with addition of bran (rice, wheat, oat) for dietary fiber and oregano extract as a natural antioxidant source. The product was analyzed for physicochemical, rheological, sensory and functional characteristics. The dietary fibers increased significantly upon fortification of basic ingredients with bran. Texture profile analysis indicated that hardness and gumminess of Sandesh increased where as cohesiveness and springiness decreased significantly as a result of cooking. Chewiness was higher in wheat and oat bran added Sandesh which deceased their acceptability as per sensory evaluation scores.The color played an important role in oregano extract added Sandesh acceptability as it appealed more as compared to other sensory parameters. Sandesh with oregano extract and rice bran together scored highest in sensory evaluation which clearly augmented the acceptability of Sandesh with rice bran and oregano extract. The sample containing oregano extract showed more DPPH scavenging activity than that of rice bran alone but the presence of both rice bran and oregano extract showed a synergistic effect. Concluding Sandesh with rice bran and oregano extract may be marketed commercially having high therapeutic value with increased antioxidant activity.

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