Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research

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Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 35 issue 3 (september 2016) : 196-200

Studies on preparation of composite dairy food-bottle gourd burfi

Anurag*, R. Chawla
1<p>College of Dairy Science and Technology,&nbsp;Guru Angad Dev Veterinary &amp; Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab- 141 004, India.</p>
Cite article:- Anurag*, Chawla R. (2016). Studies on preparation of composite dairy food-bottle gourd burfi . Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 35(3): 196-200. doi: 10.18805/ajdfr.v3i1.3571.

Bottle gourd burfi was prepared with different proportions of bottle gourd shreds (BGS) to khoa, 10% (T1), 20% (T2), 50% (T3), 100% (T4) and 200% (T5). Sugar (@ 30% on mixture basis) and khoa (150 g) were kept constant in all the experiments. It was observed that on increasing the proportion of BGS sensory scores for color and sweetness increased, whereas scores for flavor, texture and overall acceptability decreased. Maximum scores were fetched by treatment T4 in terms of flavor (8.42), texture (8.21) and overall acceptability (8.33), and by treatment T5 in terms of color and appearance (8.10) and sweetness (8.33). Treatment T1 got lowest sensory scores for all parameters. Proximate analysis indicated that on increasing the proportion of BGS; fat, protein, titratable acidity and ash contents showed a decreasing trend. However moisture content of the product increased, treatment T5 showed maximum moisture content (30.74%).

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