Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 29 issue 1 (march 2010) :


Sangita Sood, Sonia Minhas, Manoranjan Kalia, Rajni Modgil
1Department of Food Science and Nutrition CSKHPKV Palampur- 176 062, India
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  • First Online |

  • doi

Cite article:- Sood Sangita, Minhas Sonia, Kalia Manoranjan, Modgil Rajni (2024). STUDIES ON FORMULATION OF READY-TO-USE WEANING FOODS MIXES WITH SOYWHEY. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 29(1): . doi: .
Ready to use mixes were prepared by using cereals, pulses, vegetables/fruits and nuts
with soy-whey. Different products like idli, dhokla, halwa, sattu and upma were prepared and
analyzed for mineral and other nutritional parameters. The calcium content was found highest
in sattu i.e. 213.33 mg/100g, Whereas, the sodium value was recorded in halwa as 19.33 mg/
100g. The potassium were obtained as in idli (42.00 mg/100g) and phosphorous in upma was
245.00 mg/100g. Moisture content was highest in sattu, crude protein was highest in upma,
crude fat was highest in dhokla and crude fibre was highest in sattu were 8.87 percent, 12.75 ,
7.66 and 3.57 per cent respectively. Soy- whey based products are nutritious as they are good
sources of proteins and minerals.
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