Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research

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Nutritional Value and Chemical Composition of Artemisia herba alba Asso, Atriplex halimus and Salsola vermiculata in Algeria Steppe Rangelands

Samira Meradi1,*, Miloud Aouachria1, Fakher Eddine Chekkal1
  • 0000-0003-4204-2754
1Scientific and Technical Research Center on Arid Regions CRSTRA (Biskra). University campus BP no1682 R.P Biskra 07000 Algeria.

Background: Need for fodder in semi arid conditions prompted us to investigate nutritional of some resilience forage in Algerian rangelands. The study purpose is to evaluate nutritional attributes value of Artemisia herba alba Asso, Atriplex halimus and Salsola vermiculata. The study area is located at the northeastern of Algeria at Tebessa province.

Methods: Nutrient composition value, fiber composition and in vitro digestibility were determined by the method of the AOAC (1990). In vitro digestibility was determined by the enzymatic pepsin-cellulase method and the nutritional performance parameters were calculated according to the INRA 2018 system.

Result: Nutritional composition analysis results revealed a significant level of organic matter contents; it varies from 74% to 91%, while the total nitrogenous matter was more than 14% DM, the higher level is recorded by Atriplex halimus with 17%. Results of fiber contents mention a significant values, the lower level is recorded by Atriplex halimus (NDF 54% DM; ADF 24%DM and ADL 10%DM). However a significant level of digestible dry matter and digestible organic matter were assessed for all spicies, Atriplex halimus is significantly higher with 60% D.cell  DM and 50.5% D.cell OM compared with Artemisia herba alba Asso and Salsola vermiculata.  These findings suggest that these spices could constitute a favorable nutritional value for livestock. And it can guarantee the sustainability of breeding.

Vegetal biodiversity provides a significant advancement to the growing world population through contribution to food security. Conservation of plant genetic resources is an international issue and a collaborative world effort, in order to protect the ecosystem sustainability and to respond to the increased demand for plant and animal foods (Kholif et al., 2022; Khanal Prabhat, 2024). Nowadays, Scientists are committed to valorize natural product in nutrition, pharmacology and cosmetic (Shamsutdinova and Shamsutdinov, 2023; Harshavardan et al., 2023). In North Africa rangeland, within vegetal richness we quote Artemisia herba alba Asso, Atriplex halimus and Salsola vermiculata, which are recommended for livestock as precious resource for grazing for small ruminant and camels (Yerou, 2022; Hammouda et al., 2024). These autocton plant species in semi-arid and arid conditions, they are rather resistant, well adapted to the local ecological conditions and rich in natural compounds (Homrani et al., 2020; Bozhanska, 2023). However, in recent years, ecosystems rangelandes have unexpected alarming disparity due to significant global warming, consequently to the drought, insufficiency rainfall and anthropogenic factors (Meradi et al., 2016; Gaci et al., 2021; Yerou et al., 2022). The degradation of environments affected not only their appearance but also the quality and quantity characteristics of their productions (Nedjraoui, 2003). However, in Algeria in order to deal with rangelands degradation, it has initiated sustainable development projects, through defending approach, which consists to prohibiting grazing for a few years and controlling the animal load (Salemkour et al., 2016; Merdas et al., 2021; Bouyahia et al., 2023). Several studies have generated evidence on this rangeland management process, which has improved the state of wealthy ecosystems, the degradation is slowed down and the regeneration of perennial vegetation cover is improved in these ecosystems (Salemkour et al., 2016; Hammouda et al., 2024). Sustainable rangeland management allows a balance between primary vegetative productivity and pastoral resources used by ruminants and domestic needs of pastoralists (Bouyahia et al., 2023). The study of the feed value of rangeland is an approach allowing the rational management of livestock farming (Chibani et al., 2010; Kumar et al., 2021; Rekik, 2021; Marotti et al.,  2023). Therefore, the spices highlighted previously are very spread in widespread in desert and in Algeria rangelands, they are aviable forage, its nutritional composition improves development of livestock. Its components characterized by a relative rate of protein and energy value within fat and extractives percentage (Shamsutdinova and Shamsutdinov, 2023). However, Scientists suggested that phenological stages of plants affect benefits forage quality, the vegetative stage is a highest nutritional resource for growth livestock and provides optimal nutritional value levels, then later growth stages (Ayadi, 2022). Therfore, Artemisia herba alba Asso includes essential oils caracterise by its health benefits and high nutrients digestibility (Messai et al. 2021). Despite valorization of Atriplex halimus is limited by its sodium chloride levels, which requires enhancing management regulation by nutritional additives. (Akbarian and Yosefelahi, 2015). Recently there is growing interest in the context of optimization of forage valorization, by biotechnologie approach with exploration nutritional potential (Bozhanska, 2023). Therefore, researchers have investigated and demonstrated many hypotheses, they have incorporated this fodder in feed diet with mechanic and biochimical treatment. Such as ensiling, broyage and adding exogène dietary enzyms, organic acide or probiotics (Salem, 2012; Hammouda et al., 2024). Within this context, need for fodder in semi arid conditions prompted us to investigate nutritional amount of Artemisia herba alba, Atriplex halimus and Salsola vermiculata, by determination of bio-chimical composition, enzymatic digestibility by cellulase and pepsin. And to assess the nutrient profiles composition linked with livestock aptitudes, we have calculated the voluntary Intake sheep, cattle and lactation, fodder units milk and for meat and digestibility of several original proteins.
The study area
Tebessa is located at the northeastern of Algeria, coordinates geographical are 35o24’15" North and 8o7’27" East. It extended from the high plateau area in the North to the steppe region in the South, analogous to Tunisia (Fig 1). The climate of Tebessa is a transitional mediterranean climate, with some continental and semi-arid characteristics  (Fig 2).

Fig 1: Geographical location of tebessa in Algeria.

Fig 2: Climatic characteristics of tebessa.

Nutrient composition value, fiber composition
This research was conducted at Livestock Productiont Laboratory, Department of Agricultures Sciences, Life Sciences Faculty, University of Batna; (Algeria). We have investigated Artemisia herba alba, Atriplex halimus and Salsola vermiculata because they have a wide distribution in the study area. Sampling of vegetal product was carried out in April. The green parts (leaves and stem) were collected and were weighed in the fresh state. A voucher specimen is deposited under the number 001.CRSTRA. 0004 for Artemisia herba alba, 013.CRSTRA. 0002 for Atriplex halimus and 013.CRSTRA.0010 for Salsola vermiculata in the herbarium of scientific and technical research center CRSTRA, Biskra, Algeria. The sampling was powdered and stored after they have dried at ambiante temperature. The proximate chemical analyzes with three replicates were carried out on the obtained of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), ash, total nitrogenous content (MAT), crud protein and crud cellulose. However, determination of fiber composition was included neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and acid detergent lignin. The protocols were determined by the method of the AOAC (1990).
In vitro digestibility and nutritional profile
In vitro digestibility was conducted in order to predict forage organic matter digestibility (OMd) and dry matter digestibility (DMd). It was determined by the enzymatic pepsin-cellulase method (Aufrère et al. 2007). We have assessed the nutrient profiles composition linked with livestock aptitudes by INRA 2018 systeme we have calculated a voluntary Intake of sheep, cattle and for lactation, Fill Units for sheeps, cows and milk, metabolisabl energie (kcal/kg dM), unites fourragères for milk and for meat and digestibility of several original proteins protein digestibly original from feed, from microbienne original, proteic rumen balance, equilibrate azote/energy in the rumen.
Statistical analyzes
Descriptive statistics and analysis of variance are carried out to compare the means of the various parameters studied. To classify the means, comparison test of newman and keuls was used, significant differences is P<0.05.
Nutrient composition value (DM %)
The means and standard errors of nutrient composition of Artemisia herba alba, Atriplex halimus and Salsola vermiculata are given in (Table 1). The DM amount of all spices was within the range 89 to 98%. Artemisia herba alba had the lowest DM content. Despite it has the highest OM (91% DM). However, Atriplex halimus had the highe mineral matter (25%DM), followed by Salsola vermiculata with 16%DM. The means crude cellulose was significantly highest in Salsola vermiculata (50%DM) followed by Artemisia herba alba (32%DM). The total nitrogen content among the samples ranged from 14.7 to 17.7% DM. Furthermore, Atriplex halimus and Salsola vermiculata were recorded more than 16% DM of total nitrogen content. Through the results, we observed high level of DM of all plants studied. However, we distinguished the particularly of each spice, where Artemisia is rich in organic matter, A. halimus is rich with ash and Salsola has a high amount of crud cellulose. in the context of nutritional requirement of livestock, we concluded that in the rangeland studied there is a nature balance among these plants because they could cover physiologic needs of animals by their nutritional composition. View the particularity of the study region and the severe extreme weather, the plants studied were an excellent nutritious feed, as compared to barley, alfalfa in the flowering stage and berseem clover in the early flowering stage (Chibani et al., 2010), it seems that their richness in nitrogen gives them a distinct advantage as compared to grasses hays and permanent meadows (Mebirouk Boudechiche  et al., 2010). Shamsutdinova and Shamsutdinov (2023) have highlighted that the three spices can considered as excellent forage pastures to small ruminant, it contains 16.9% protein, 4.4% fat and 39% nitrogen-free extractives. Indeed, Berreghioua and Ziane (2024) have reported that Saharan vegetation has resistance to natural stress factors and contain interest nutrition composition.  However, the richness of plants in nitrogen does not mean that it would be entirely usable by the animal. Indeed, these contents were found in the spring season where there is the presence of a rich and palatable floristic procession composed of annuals which could be a limiting factor with regard to the use of the opportunity offered by the nitrogen content of perennial plants, smell, taste and the presence of anti-nutritional substances may limited their use during spring period (Ayadi et al., 2022).

Table 1: Chemical composition of different species studied (% DM basis).

Proximate fiber constituents (DM %)
Fiber constituents are performed on different fodder spices, the means and standard errors for proximate fiber constituents (DM %) are given in (Table 2). Neutral detergent fiber was higher in all analyzed species Artemisia herba alba, Atriplex halimus and Salsola vermiculata, it was more than 50% of dry matter. The ADF content ranged from 24% to 30% DM. The lignin levels were varied between 8% DM and 13% DM. Crude fiber continents of whole perennials species analysed were highest as compared to forage used in semi arid region of India (Singh et al., 2020). According to Merdas (2016), during the spring period, grazing significantly reduced the diversity of annual species. However, perennials are not significantly affected, when the cover of perennial plants is important and the ecosystem is equilibrating. Nevertheless, protection from grazing (prohibition) significantly increased annual species diversity and vegetation cover. The whole spices may be a fulfill feed in the dry months when deficiency feed and fodder increased (Arif et al., 2020).

Table 2: Detergent fiber composition of the different species studied.

Enzymatic digestibility
Means and standard errors for enzymatic digestibility are given in (Table 3). The comparative analysis of cellulase-pepsin enzymatic digestibility indicates that digestibility of dry matter is 66.7%, 62% and 57.8% in Atriplex halimus, Salsola vermiculata and Artemisia herba alba respectively. Furthermore, enzymatic digestibility of organic matter ranged from 58.9% to 60.7%. The highest value of cellulase digestibility of dry matter was recorded by Atriplex halimus with 60% followed by Salsola vermiculata than Artemisia herba alba. However, cellulase digestibility of organic matter is the same in all plants (50.5%). We have noticed that there is a relative link between crude fiber constituents and digestibility rate. Our results were comparable to the results reported by Yacoub (2006) and Rekik et al (2014) were recorded an interesting rate of enzymatic digestibility of dry matter 51.62% DDM. According to these results, in general in spring season and particularly at the flowering stage corresponding to our case of sampling, the lignin content should be low., we were found high levels of fibers, probably causes of this state were mainly due to the climatic condition with less rainy and high temperatures. Furthermore, it is established that perennial steppe plants are not consumed by animals during the spring season for the following reasons: Presence of a rich and abundant flora composed by annuals plants and presence of anti-nutritional substances. The consequences of these results are the richness of the plant by principles nutrient, it is rich in nitrogen in our case, which does not beneficial for animals. Therefore, consumption of perennials plants is only possible from the disappearance of the annual palatable species (Rekik et al., 2014). At this time, the deterioration of the nutritional value of forage species is perceived on two levels, chemical composition, by a regression in the nitrogen content and the accentuation of lignifications phenomenon which can decrease feed intake and digestibility. Finally, forage value is directly linked to the quantity of ingested fodder, when digestibility is important; metabolic process regulate the quantities ingested which are limited by the needs expressed by the animals (Chehma et al., 2010).  

Table 3: Enzymatic digestibility of DM and DOM of the species studied.


Optimizing of valorization of Atriple halimus is beneficial by sun-drying and the effect of exogenous dietary enzymes supplimentation for zootechnic performances of sheep specifically the intak parameter and its digestibility. It was confirmed that the proportion of twigs and leaves affected positively the palatability of animals (Otal et al., 2010).
When the supply of degradable nitrogen in the ration is excessive, some authors have noticed an increased production of ammonia causing a significant drop in appetite. Moreover, with diets or rations with a slight deficit, the recycling of endogenous urea (saliva, exchange through the wall of the rumen) can participate effectively in covering the nitrogen needs of the microbial population.
Intercropping with medicinal and aromatic plants, as a climate change adaptation strategy. Economic and ecological importance. Profitability as well as to enhance soil and biodiversity conservation.
Nutritional profile pnalysis of forage species
Nutritional profile analysis data of forage species are illustrated in (Table 4). Voluntary intake of dry matter by sheep, cattle and dairy cow are lowest in Artemisia herba alba (109 g, 129 g and 175 g) respectively. However, they are closed for Salsola vermiculata and Atriplex halimus. Instead, we have found an increase in fill units of sheep, cow and dairy cow in Artemisia herba alba (0.69, 0.73, 0.8) respectively. Metabolizable energy is considerable in Artemisia herba alba with 2093 kcalories. UFL and UFV are important in all forage species. We have calculated a total of proteins digestibility in average of 93 and 98.65. Despite the highest PDIA is marked by Atriplex halimus (56.12) and the PDIM is marked in Artemisia herba alba. Regarding the radar graph (Fig 3), it based on representation of nutritional parameter, each axis normalized between 0 and 1 to allow a clear visual comparison. This graph compares the nutritional performances of the species Atriplex halimus, Salsola vermiculata and Artemisia herba alba. Each polygon represents the relative performance of a species on different nutritional parameters. Digestibility (dMO) of Atriplex halimus and Salsola vermiculata have the same rate, despite it is quite high in Artemisia herba alba.  Voluntary Intake (DMVI sheep, cattle and dairy cow the voluntary quantity of dry matter ingested is higher in Salsola vermiculata.  Particularly for MSVIB folowed by. Atriplex halimus. whereas Artemisia herba alba marked the lowest. Fill Units encambrance in sheep, cattle and dairy cow indicate the capacity of the forage to fill the rumen, Artemisia herba alba has an important value, Atriplex halimus and Salsola vermiculata are closely and quite lower. We have distingued highest value of metabolizable energy of Artemisia herba alba followed by Salsola vermiculata and Atriplex halimus. Artemisia herba alba is ranqued the first in Feed Units (UFL, UFV), thus it is an excellent forrage for meat and milk production. However, Salsola vermiculata and Atriplex halimus have lower performances. Regarding protein fractions (PDIA, PDI, PDIM) Atriplex halimus is dominated folowed by Salsola vermiculata. Artemisia herba alba has the lowest performances. We have found a high performance of total proteins digestible of Atriplex halimus and Salsola vermiculata. Protéines digestible of microbienne originalby Artemisia herba alba reflecting efficient microbial synthesis more than Salsola vermiculata and Atriplex halimus. Regarding balance protéique of rumen BPR. Atriplex halimus and Salsola vermiculata affiched an advantage BPR with an equilibrate balance between fermentescibl energie and protein degradablity. Artemisia herba albahas the lowest BPR indicate insuficience of azote to allow reproduction of ruminal microbes. Breif, Atriplex halimus could contributed to provid an important amount of digestible protein needs (PDIA, PDI) in fact it has a good ruminal balance (BPR). Salsola vermiculata. Offers a balanced profile with high performance of DMVI, PDIM and EM. Artemisia herba alba is Ideal for high energitic needs (EM, UFL, UFV) and microbiens protéins (PDIM), despit it poorless in digestibility feed proteins. Thus, radar graphic highlights the relative strengths and weaknesses of the three species based on nutritional parameters. Artemisia herba alba is great for energy and forage units, while Atriplex halimus is better for digestible protein. Salsola vermiculata offers a balanced profile.

Table 4: Nutritional profile analysis of forage species.

Fig 3: Nutritional profile analysis of forage species.

Based on laboratory tests of biochemical composition, enzymatic digestibility and nutrition profile of Artemisia herba alba, Atriplex halimus and Salsola vermiculata, we conclude that these bioressources have high nutrition content. Artemisia herba alba was caracterized by appreciable amounts of energie and fodder unit. Therefore, Atriplex halimus has significant protéines digestibility and Salsola vermiculata provided a balanced nutritional profile. These three spices are valuable nutritional fodder in difficult areas these forage species were considered as resilience plant resources in the conditions of arid regions where green fodder shrubs are lacking in Algeria.
All authors declared that there is no conflict of interest.

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