Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research

  • Chief EditorHarjinder Singh

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Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 33 issue 2 (june 2014) : 131-135


Priyanka Thapliyal*, Salil Sehgal, Asha Kawatra
1Department of Foods and Nutrition, C.C.S Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125 004, India
Cite article:- Thapliyal* Priyanka, Sehgal Salil, Kawatra Asha (2025). IN-VITRO DIGESTIBILITY AND ANTINUTRIENTS AS AFFECTED BY SOAKING, DEHULLING AND PRESSURE COOKING OF CHICKPEA (CICER ARIETINUM) VARIETIES. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 33(2): 131-135. doi: 10.5958/0976-0563.2014.00589.2.
Effect of soaking, dehulling and pressure cooking on in-vitro digestibility and antinutritional factors of chickpea was studied. In-vitro starch and in-vitro protein digestibility ranged from 29.72 to 35.24 mg maltose released/100g and 63.14 to 77.09 per cent, respectively. Soaked, dehulled and pressure cooked chickpea varieties showed significant increment in in-vitro digestibility. Phytic acid ranged from 705.03 to 802.16 mg/100g and decreased from 11.52 to 20.87 per cent in processed chickpea seeds. Trypsin inhibitor activity ranged from 533.33 to 587.92 per cent. Processing decreased trypsin inhibitor activity from 7.72 to 22.87 per cent. Maximum increase in  in-vitro digestibility and reduction in antinutritional factors was recorded during pressure cooking followed by dehulling and soaking.
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