Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research

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Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 38 issue 2 (june 2019) : 98-104

Medicinal Qualities of Mustard Oil and Its Role in Human Health against Chronic Diseases: A Review

Rupender Kaur, Ashok K Sharma, Reema Rani, Ibandalin Mawlong, PK Rai
1SMS Home Science, KVK, Bansur, Alwar under ICAR-DRMR, Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
Cite article:- Kaur Rupender, Sharma K Ashok, Rani Reema, Mawlong Ibandalin, Rai PK (2019). Medicinal Qualities of Mustard Oil and Its Role in Human Health against Chronic Diseases: A Review. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 38(2): 98-104. doi: 10.18805/ajdfr.DR-1443.
Fats in its saturated and unsaturated form play an important role in our daily diet. Its overconsumption in either form can be lethal to our body. For example excess of cholesterol, saturated and tram's fat can lead to chronic diseases such as cancer, heart attack, diabetes. Looking into the chemical composition of mustard oil with other edible vegetable oil, this review highlights the health benefits of mustard oil for its medicinal utility like anticarcinogenic property which prevents cancers formation in body, reduces body temperature, antifungal and antibacterial property to treat skin diseases, good appetizer and body toner Further, reduces the adhesive impulses in blood platelets which is helpful to minimize the risk of a heart failure, prevent children's from asthma, allergic cold, and asthmatic eczema, protect eyes and throat irritation and strengthen our RBC by decreases cholesterol and improves RBC membrane structure. Above all, it also adds aroma and flavor increasing the palatability of food thereby increase the oil economy.
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