Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research

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Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 35 issue 4 (december 2016) : 270-277

Somatic cell count as a monitoring system for hygienic milk production in India: A review

P.V. Jadhav*1, S.B. Tarate2, M. Bhuvana, D.N. Das3, B.R. Shome4
1<p>College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,&nbsp;Udgir-413 517, MAFSU, India.</p>
Cite article:- Jadhav*1 P.V., Tarate2 S.B., Bhuvana M., Das3 D.N., Shome4 B.R. (2016). Somatic cell count as a monitoring system for hygienicmilk production in India: A review . Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 35(4): 270-277. doi: 10.18805/ajdfr.v35i4.6624.

The major alteration in the milk composition due to mastitis includes presence of somatic cells (neutrophills, monocytes, macrophages and mammary epithelial cells), bactericidal and bacteriostatic compounds and certain enzymes. Antibiotic residue violation and presence of foodborn pathogens with/without their toxins is another threat of immense importance. These changes in the milk account for the deterioration of the milk quality, risk of health hazards and also its acceptance in the international market. Of all these components, milk somatic cells are the single most widely used indicator of the udder health and mastitis. Somatic cell count (SCC) is used as a system for measurement of milk quality internationally. Strict legislation for monitoring the minimum SCC level is followed to ensure healthy milk in most of the developed countries. This paper introduces the concept of ‘Clean White Revolution’ and reviews the importance of SCC as a measure to ensure hygienic milk production in India. It also emphasizes upon a need to strengthen the existing legislations concerned. 

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