Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research

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Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 35 issue 3 (september 2016) : 177-186

Studies on physico-chemical properties of whole milk powder manufactured or sold in Maharashtra, India

M.R. Patil*, C.D. Khedkar, S.D. Chavan, P.S. Patil
1<p>Department of Dairy Chemistry,&nbsp;College of Dairy Technology, Warud (Pusad), Yavatmal-445 204, (M.S.), India.</p>
Cite article:- Patil* M.R., Khedkar C.D., Chavan S.D., Patil P.S. (2016). Studies on physico-chemical properties of whole milk powdermanufactured or sold in Maharashtra, India . Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 35(3): 177-186. doi: 10.18805/ajdfr.v3i1.3569.

Twenty-five samples of spray dried whole milk powder (WMP) of different brands were procured from five regions of Maharashtra namely Vidarbha, North Maharashtra, Western Maharashtra, Marathwada and Mumbai. These samples were analyzed for the chemical composition, physico-chemical properties and microbiological quality to access their suitability in terms of national and international standards. The moisture, fat and protein content in WMP obtained from different regions varied significantly.Wide variation in the physical properties like scorched particles, wettability, dispersibility and solubility index was observed in WMP. The NPN, true protein content, titratable acidity and lactate content and free fat content of WMP samples were varied significantly. The standard plate count and coliform count of WMP samples were lower than that of the standard prescribed by BIS and PFA. In the present study except few, all the samples meet the requirements of national and international standards. 

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