Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research

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Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 35 issue 3 (september 2016) : 201-205

Effect of feeding water soaked rapeseed-mustard cake (Brassica juncea) based diet on the performance of lactating cows 

M. Palanivel*, Kusumakar Sharma
1<p>Division of Animal Nutrition,&nbsp;Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar - 243 122, India.&nbsp;</p>
Cite article:- Palanivel* M., Sharma Kusumakar (2016). Effect of feeding water soaked rapeseed-mustard cake (Brassica juncea)based diet on the performance of lactating cows . Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 35(3): 201-205. doi: 10.18805/ajdfr.v3i1.3572.

The study was carried out to ascertain the effect of feeding water soaked rapeseed-mustard cake (RMC) based diet on the performance of lactating cows. Eighteen Holstein Friesian crossbred lactating cows were randomly allocated to 3 dietary treatments of 6 each viz. Control, RMC-dry and RMC-sani, respectively for an experimental period of 90 days. The glucosinolates (GLS) content of raw RMC was 149.50 µmol/g DM and it gets reduced by 31.96 per cent to 101.72 µmol/g DM in overnight water soaked (1:3 w/v ratio) RMC. The daily intake of concentrate and total DM by lactating cows did not differ significantly (P>0.05) irrespective of the dietary treatments. The digestibility coefficient (%) of DM, OM, CP, EE, NDF and ADF; nutrient density (%) and intake (g/kgW0.75) of composite diets in terms of DCP and TDN did not differ significantly (P>0.05) irrespective of dietary treatments. Milk yield and its basic quality parameters including milk fat, milk protein, total solids and SNF content were comparable among the dietary treatments. Though thiocyanate (CNS) concentration of blood serum (8.65 to 12.65 µg/ml) and milk (24.77 to 39.84 µg/ml) was significantly (P<0.01) increased in RMC fed groups as compared to control, it was significantly (P<0.01) reduced in RMC-sani as compared to RMC-dry. The serum T3 (2.07 - 2.15 nmol/L) and T4 (70.62 - 73.67 nmol/L) concentrations were comparable among the dietary treatments. Alongwith substantial reduction in the GLS content of water soaked RMC, no adverse effect could be noticed by feeding raw or water soaked RMC based diet on the performance of lactating cows and CNS excretion in the body fluids get reduced by dose dependent intake of dietary GLS.  

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