Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research

  • Chief EditorHarjinder Singh

  • Print ISSN 0971-4456

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Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 31 issue 2 (june 2012) : 142 - 145


Zohreh Salmani*, D. Vijayalakshmi, Jyoti T.Sajjan
1Department of Food Science and Nutrition, U.A.S, GKVK, Bangalore, 560 065, India
  • Submitted|

  • First Online |

  • doi

Cite article:- Salmani* Zohreh, Vijayalakshmi D., T.Sajjan Jyoti (2025). SCREENING OF SELECTED VEGETABLE SOYBEAN GENOTYPES FOR NUTRIENT AND ANTINUTRIENT FACTORS. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 31(2): 142 - 145. doi: .
Ten vegetable soybean genotypes along with the control cultivar GC-00209-4-1-1 were evaluated for nutrient and antinutrient component. The nutrients such as protein, fat, crude fibre, ash, calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin C and dietary fiber and antinutrient such as phytates, tannins and trypsin inhibitors were estimated on dried sample. Moisture ranged from 68.90- 72.10 per cent, protein 12.32- 14.96 g, fat 4.24-6.16g, ash 1.49-1.74g, fiber 1.89-2.69 g, carbohydrate 5.88- 7.93g and energy from 119-139 Kcal respectively. Minerals such as calcium, iron and phosphorous and vitamin C were in the range of 54.24- 67.71 mg, 173.2- 231.5 mg, 2.68- 3.70 mg, 15.90-20. 85 mg. Total and insoluble dietary fiber was highest in AGS-436, whereas AGS-435 was recorded highest soluble dietary fiber. Antinutrients such as phytate, tannin and trypsin inhibitor were least in AGS-436, AGS-439 and AGS-434 respectively. Based on nutrient and antinutrient composition, genotypes AGS-434, AGS-435, AGS-436 and AGS-439 were superior to control cultivar.
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