Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 31 issue 1 (march 2012) : 68 - 71


Shalini Asrani, Sushma Kaushik, K.K. Yadav1, R.K. Asrani2
1Department of Extension Education, I.C. College of Home Science, CCS Haryana Agril. University, Hisar-125 004, India.
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Cite article:- Asrani Shalini, Kaushik Sushma, Yadav1 K.K., Asrani2 R.K. (2024). PERCEIVED ATTRIBUTES OF POULTRY FARMING AMONG SCHEDULED CASTE RURAL WOMEN. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 31(1): 68 - 71. doi: .
Data were collected from 300 Scheduled Caste women to explore need and attributes of poultry farming as perceived by them. Findings revealed that poultry farming was found to be one of the most needed areas among income generating activities. Hundred percent respondents had heard about poultry farming, majority did not have any knowledge or training but were interested to undertake training and start poultry as income generating activity in future. Poultry Farming enterprise was perceived as very easy to understand and use, profitable, observable, physically and culturally most compatible, labour efficient, easily marketable but somewhat risky enterprise by majority of respondents.
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  2. Anonymous (2007). All Year Round Birds: Poultry Farming for Beginners. Available on - 28k.
  3. Rogers, E.M. and Shoemaker, T. (1971). Communication of innovation: A cross-culture approach. The Free Press, New York.

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