Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 21 issue 2 (june 2002) :


Kumar Sanjay, Singh Surinder**
1Indian Veterinary Research Institute Muketeswar, Kumaon, Nanital-263138 (U.P.), India
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Cite article:- Sanjay Kumar, Surinder** Singh (2024). ROLE OF TRIBAL WOMEN IN GOAT FARMING*. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 21(2): . doi: .
In a tribal family, women contributes more towards the goat rearing, crop farming and even to the wage earning activity. The role of tribal women in all those activity is indispensable. There were 85 respondents selected randomly from 8 tribal villages of Ranchi district (Bihar). No significant differ ence was observed for family composition, community strl)dure, and occupananal structure between the two Zones. Size of land holding decreased with the increase in flock size. Contribution of women in goat rearing varied from 30%-90% in both the zunes and they contributed a lot towards crop farming and wpge earning activity in both the zones. The overall condition of tribal women was very pathetic as they were doing allsorts of manual labour without any monetary reward.

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