Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 23 issue 3 & 4 (2004) :


Singh Geetika, Sharma H.R., Verma Ranjana
1College of Home Science, CSKHPKV, Palampur -176 062, India
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Cite article:- Geetika Singh, H.R. Sharma, Ranjana Verma (2024). SUITABILITY OF DIFFERENT VARIETIES OF SOYBEAN FOR TOFU MAKING. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 23(3): . doi: .
Four varieties of soybean (Bragg, Shivalik, Lee and PK 416) were compared for their tofu making quality using three different coagulants (curd, citrus juice and MgSO4). The MgSO4 coagulated soymilk gave higher yields of tofu and tofu solids and was rated the best coagulant among the three. With in the varieties, Bragg variety was rated superior for its tofu making quality and sensory acceptability of tofu over others. Bragg tofu was tested for its chemical composition using dairy paneer as control. The MgSO4 coagulated Bragg tofu contained higher protein (55.29%) and lower fat content (20.95%) than the protein (43.73%) and fat (39.55%) content of dairy paneer. Also it was found to be about four times cheaper than milk paneer. The results of the study inferenced tofu can be a cheaper protein substitute than animal protein.

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