Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 25 issue 1 (march 2006) : 22-27


D.N. Bajad ; CD. Khedkar ;A.R Sarode ; M.R. Patil ; S.D. Kalyankar, , D.O. Palange.
1College of Dairy Technology, Warud(Pusad)-445 204 (MaharaShtra Animal'& Ashery Sciences University, Nagpur-6)
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Cite article:- Kalyankar S.D. ; Patil M.R. ; Sarode ;A.R Khedkar CD. ; Bajad D.N., Palange. D.O. (2025). STANDARDIZATION OF A METHOD FOR PREPARATION OF PROBIOTIC ACIDO-BIFIDO-YOGHURT. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 25(1): 22-27. doi: .
The present investigation was undertaken with a view to study the growth and biochemical activity of normal Yoghurt cultures with probiotic Acido-Bifido-Yoghurt with various combination of the ingredients and cultures and to investigate the sensory quality profiles of this product by comparing this value-added product with its traditional counterpart viz. plain yoghurt. Buffalo milk was used to prepare this value-added product A human vaginal isolate of Lb. acidophilus~LBKV3 was used as a proven prodiotic organism and a human strain of Biloidobacterium bilidum as another organism. A method was standardize the probiotic Acido-Bifido-Yoghurt. Product was assessed for its sensory atbidutes through a panes of judges. It was observes that incorporation of probiotic cultures do not affect the sensory characteristice of the product.
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