Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 26 issue 2 (june 2007) : 122-127


Rekha Sinha*, Bindu Sharma, Pushpa Mahanta
1Directorate of Extension Education Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, 834006, India.
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Cite article:- Sinha* Rekha, Sharma Bindu, Mahanta Pushpa (2024). INTAKE OF NUTRIENTS AND ITS FOOD SOURCES AMONG SELECTED TRIBAL EXPECTANT MOTHERS OF RANCHI DISTRICT OF JHARKHAND. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 26(2): 122-127. doi: .
The present study was conducted on 46 tribal pregnant women belonging to two blocks of Ranchi district of Jharkhand. The data on typical meal pattern, food sources, food and nutrient intake were collected. All tribal pregnant women were consuming three meals a day. Intake of cereals were significantly higher than recommended dietary intake. Intake of other vegetables were almost similar to RDI, whereas intake of other food stuffs were significantly less than RDI. The daily intake of calorie, protein, calcium, iron and b-carotene was grossly deficient in comparison, with ICMR recommendations. The study revealed that hundred per cent women were insecured in terms of calcium, fat, iron and b-carotene, whereas only 2 and 9 per cent women were found secured in respect of energy and protein respectively.
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