Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 26 issue 1 (march 2007) : 58-60


Ramanamma Desetty, Visala Patnam
1College of Home Science, Marathawada Agric. Unive. ?-arbhani- 431402,India.
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Cite article:- Desetty Ramanamma, Patnam Visala (2024). MOTHERS' AWARENESS ABOUT THE SIGNIFICANCE OF FREEHAND DRAWINGS IN THEIR CHILDREN'S DEVELOPMENT. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 26(1): 58-60. doi: .
One hundred mothers having children in the age range of 3–5 yrs were chosen at random form Parbhani town for finding out their awareness about the significance of freehand drawings in their child's development. Significantly a higher percentage of the college educated mothers reported that letting their children to do freehand drawings contributed their children's mother, intellectual, speech and language and socio-emotional development as compared to the high school educated mothers, Significantly a higher percentage of the college pducated mothers adopted better techniques for promoting their children's freehand drawings as compared to the high school educated mothers, Overall it is concluded that the higher percentage of the college educated mothers adopted more and better techniques for promoting their pre-school children's freehand drawings and also had better awareness about the significance of free hand drawings as compared to the high school educated mothers.
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    2. Salome (1982) In Creative and Menlal Growth (Lowenfeld V. and Brittain, W. L), 7lh edition, Macmillan Publishing co;NewYork 229

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