Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 26 issue 1 (march 2007) : 21-22


v. Jayesh*, P.Reeja George
1College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Pookot, Lakkidi P.O, Wayanad,Kerala 673576, India.
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Cite article:- Jayesh* v., George P.Reeja (2024). PREFERENCES OF DAIRY FARMERS OF WAYANAD DISTRICT, KERALA REGARDING ANIMAL HUSBANDRY TRAININGS. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 26(1): 21-22. doi: .
The study was conducted in Wayanad district of Kerala state which was selected purposively for the study. Simple random sampling was used to select three wards from Kotathara Panchayat of Vythiri Taluk of the district from which a proportionate stratified sample of 60 dairy farmers were selected. A pre tested interview schedule was used for data collection in January 2006. The study revealed that there was not strict preference for any particular month to attend the training programmes for nearly all the respondents. The study revealed that the most preferred area for training was on preparation of concentrate mixtures using unconventional feeds while trainings on fodder cultivation were least preferred. Training on selection of dairy cattle was ranked third among the nine domains identified. With regard to the frequency of altending training programmes slightly more than half of the respondents (52.6 per cent) preferred to have a training programme once in two months whereas 43.5 per cent preferred to attend a training programme once in a month and a meagre 3.5 per cent preferred to attend a training programme twice a month.
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