Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 26 issue 1 (march 2007) : 7-10


Ram Singh Suman
1Indian Agricultural Research Institute , Re$ional Station, Katrain (Kullu Valley) H.P. - 175129, India
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Cite article:- Suman Singh Ram (2024). CONSTRAINTS PERCIEVED BY FUNCTIONARIES IN DAIRY EXTENSION SYSTEM. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 26(1): 7-10. doi: .
The study on constraints in Dairy Extension system perceived by Directors of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences, Chief Veterinary Officers, Managing Directors, General Managers and Managers in dissemination of information. Study was conducted in twenty-five states of India. The total numbers of constraints selected for the study were six. Out of these the ‘technical’ and ‘socio-religious’ constraints were most effective and ‘marketing’ followed by ‘communicational’ constraints were least effective in dairy extension systems.
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