Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 27 issue 3 & 4(2008) : 157 - 167


Vrinda Sikri*
1Dept. of Animal Products Technology, College of Animal Science, C.C.S. Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar - 125 004, India
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Cite article:- Sikri* Vrinda (2024). APPLICATION OF STARTER CULTURE FOR PRODUCTION OF SHELF STABLE PICKLES FROM SPENT HEN. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 27(3): 157 - 167. doi: .
The present study was conducted to develop shelf stable ready to eat pickle, with and without use of starter cultures from spent hen. Samples were analysed its for physico-chemical as well as microbiological qualities under subsequent storage period of 3 months in flexible packages. The outcome of the study was that pickle variant treated with Lactobacillus Plantarum, Pediococcus acidilactici and their combination were carrying less moisture, low pH, moderate high TBA value. Spices and presence of competitive flora further improved the microbial stability of treated variants. As far the hedonic rating is concerned, the product from treated variant was found moderately desirable.
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