Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 29 issue 3/4 (sep/dec 2010) : 241 - 243


Urmila Devi, Shashi Kanta Verma
1Department of Home Science Extension Education, College of Home Science, CCS Haryana Agric University, Hisar-125 004, India
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Cite article:- Devi Urmila, Verma Kanta Shashi (2024). INFORMATION PROCESSING PATTERN OF FARM WOMEN FOR WHEAT CULTIVATION. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 29(3): 241 - 243. doi: .
The present study was conducted to assess the usefulness of information sources and to find
out satisfaction level after using the information sources in four villages of Kaithal and Jind
districts of Haryana state which were selected purposively as wheat crop grown in area at large
scale. A proportionate random sample of 165 farm women who were actively involved in farming
was selected purposively. The data were collected with the help of structured interview schedule.
The collected data were processed, tabulated and analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean
weight score, rank, etc. Results revealed that neighbours, family members and friends were found
very useful and fully satisfied as localite sources of information . None of the cosmopolite sources
were perceived as very useful or useful. But radio, television and cassette recorder were found
useful mass media sources of information. Whereas all cosmopolite source of information were
found somewhat satisfied and mass media sources like television, radio and audio-visual aids
were found somewhat satisfactory source of information.
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