Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 29 issue 3/4 (sep/dec 2010) : 210 - 215


F. Lashgarara*, S.M. Mirdamadi, S.J. Farajollah Hosseni
1Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
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Cite article:- Lashgarara* F., Mirdamadi S.M., Hosseni Farajollah S.J. (2024). ROLE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES(ICT) IN IMPROVING FOOD UTILIZATION OF IRANIAN RURAL HOUSEHOLDS. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 29(3): 210 - 215. doi: .
Information and communication technologies (ICT) represent an important strategy that
can be used in attaining sufficient, safe and nutritious food security. The main purpose of this
research, performed in 2006-2007, was to identify the effectiveness of ICT in improving the
food utilization of rural Iranian households. The results showed that, according to the experts’
point of view, the situation of food utilization in rural Iranian households was unsuitable, but
that ICT could play an important role in improving the food utilization. The results of stepwise
regressions showed that informing rural people about food, improving making decision,
improving the power of acquiring individual information, rural literacy, facilitators and content
of old technologies were determined to account for 73% of the variance of the food utilization
of rural Iranian households.
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