Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 29 issue 1 (march 2010) :


Kusum, L.Yadav, B.Yadav*
1Department of Home Science Extension Education College of Home Science,CCS Haryana Agric.University,Hisar-125 004,India
  • Submitted|

  • First Online |

  • doi

Cite article:- Kusum, L.Yadav, B.Yadav* (2024). INTRICACIES PERCEIVED BY FARMWOMEN IN UNDERTAKING AGRI-BUSINESS ACTIVITIES. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 29(1): . doi: .
Present exploratory investigation was conducted to explore the perceived intricacies of farm
women aspiring to undertake agribusiness activities. The study was conducted in randomly selected
three villages from Bhiwani district of Haryana state on a sample of 240 farmwomen respondents
who were willing to undertake agri- business activities like mushroom cultivation, dairy farming,
beekeeping and vermicomposting It was found that among the various intricacies perceived by the
farmwomen in undertaking agri- business activities lack of training and opportunities, lack of support
and counseling economic incredibility being women and lack of risk orientation were the major
ones. The most commonly perceived intricacies were social in nature followed by educational and
personal intricacies.
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