Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 30 issue 2 (june 2011) : 131- 133


Anjali Chandra, Ajeet Kumar Singh
1RKMA, Divyayn Krishi Vigyayn Kendra, Ranchi - 834 008, India.
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Cite article:- Chandra Anjali, Singh Kumar Ajeet (2024). EFFECT OF EVAPORATIVE COOLING CHAMBER ON STORAGE OF POTATO. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 30(2): 131- 133. doi: .
Potatoes contain 80% water which results in low shelf life The quality of potato and its storage life is reduced by the loss of moisture, decay and physiological breakdown. These deteriorations are directly related to storage temperature, relative humidity air circulation and gas composition. Bruise prevention, minimum weight loss and disease prevention during storage are significant. In this study, attempts have been made to find out an affordable and effective storage system of potatoes in rural condition. For getting it, the effectiveness of storage of potatoes in zero energy cool chamber was tested. Minimum storage losses as weight loss, sprout loss and rottage has been recorded in case of its storage in zero energy cool chambers as compared to other tested methods.
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  2. Maldegem, J. P. V. (1999) : State of the Art Techniques for the Potato Storage. Abstract,  Global Conference on Potato, New Delhi, Dec. 6-11.

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