Growth attributes of maize influenced by weed management
Plant height
The data can be recorded and analyzed for growth attributing character of maize (At 20 DAS, the study revealed that there was no significant influence on plant height at an early stage. At 40 DAS, Higher plant height was noted by application of atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha + pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (Tank mix) (PE)
fb HW at 20DAS which was slightly less than weed free. At 60 DAS, immense growth was recorded in between the growth phase and higher plant height was noted by application of atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha (PE) fb tembotrione @ 120 g ai/ha (PoE) 20 DAS. At 80 DAS, a uniform rate of growth was noted as compared to 60 DAS. Higher plant height was noticed by application of atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha + pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (Tank mix) (PE) fb HW at 20 DAS (199.54 cm) which was found to be at par with T1, T9, T4, T7, T3, T5, T2, T6 and T10. Data indicates that integrated weed management has successfully controlled more weed including tank mix application than that of normal or solo herbicide spray
(Sivamurugan et al., 2017; Paul et al., 2022).
Number of leaves
Observations recorded for a number of leaves state no major variation by application of various weed management techniques at different growth stages of the crop, but severely affected by climate. However, weed-free treatment and atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha + pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (Tank mix) (PE) fb HW at 20DAS noted a higher number of leaves (9.33) plant
-1, which was found to be at par with T8, T1, T4, T6, T3, T7, T2, T5 and T10. Some studies have revealed that photoperiod and temperature may affect the final leaf numbers of maize
(Ellis et al., 1992).
Stem girth
Data shows (Table 1), A slight variation was noted at 40 DAS. Higher cob girth was noted by application of atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha (PE) fb 2,4-D sodium salt @ 0.50 kg ai/ha (PoE) 30 DAS. At 60 DAS, atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha (PE) fb 2,4-D sodium salt @ 0.50 kg ai/ha (PoE) 30DAS noted the highest stem girth. At 80 DAS, atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha + pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (Tank mix) (PE) fb HW at 20DAS noted higher stem girth (5.68) which was found to be at par with T9, T1, T4, T2, T3, T5, T7, T6 and T10. It might be Due to drying of crop, girth significantly decreases. But at such stage also, atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha + pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (Tank mix) (PE) fb HW at 20 DAS and weed-free treatment noted higher girth than other treatments.
Dry matter accumulation
At 20 DAS, an increase in dry weight was noted when other treatments were compared with the weedy check. Higher dry weight was noted by application of atrazine @ 1 kg ai/ha (PE) fb 2,4-D amine salt @ 1 kg ai/ha (PoE) 25 DAS At 60 DAS, application of atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha + pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (Tank mix)(PE) fb HW at 20DAS noted higher dry weight . At 80 DAS also higher dry weight was noted by application of atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha + pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (Tank mix)(PE) fb HW at 20 DAS (227g) which was found to be at par with T8,T1,T3,T2,T7,T6,T4,T5 and T10 (Table 1). The above results are in accordance with study of
Jaybhaye et al. (2020).
Cob length
Data having reference to cob length have noted alteration due to treatments (Fig 1). Though weeds have interrupted in between, cob length keeping aside, the yield will have immense fluctuation in them. Keeping all these conditions in mind, the highest length was noted by application of atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha + pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (Tank mix) (PE) fb HW at 20DAS which didn’t show much change in comparison to weed free but was way better than the control treatment. Results of pendimethalin @1kg ai/ha (PE) fb 2,4-D amine salt @ 1 kg ai/ha (PoE) 25 DAS and pendimethalin @1kg ai/ha (PE) fb atrazine @0.75 kg ai/ha + 2,4-D amine salt @ 0.4 kg ai/ha (PoE) 25 DAS were nearly similar to each other. as herbicide were same with different dosage, study depicts that change in dosage indirectly affects cob growth due to better nutrient consumption and weed control efficiency. Higher cob length was noted by T8 which was tank mix application of atrazine and pendimethalin fb hand weeding. The results noted were in accordance with a study by
Lavanya et al. (2021).
Yield and yield attributes
Cob girth
Data concerned to cob girth noted slight non-uniform variation (Fig 1). Highest cob girth was noted by application of atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha + pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (Tank mix) (PE) fb HW at 20DAS which was at par with pendimethalin @1kg ai/ha (PE) fb atrazine @0.75 kg ai/ha + 2,4-D amine salt @ 0.4 kg ai/ha (PoE) 25 DAS. It is precise from the data that significant increase in cob girth was noted by all treatments in comparison to weedy check. In comparison to solo pre-emergence spray tank mix application of atrazine and pendimethalin followed by hand weeding have performed well. However, these results are not enough to study cob growth as changes noted are not enough to compare and identify best combination of herbicide. Keeping all these conditions in mind atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha + pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (Tank mix) (PE) fb HW at 20 DAS noted higher cob girth, result was supported by
Barua et al. (2019).
Grain yield
Increase in maize grain yield was noted in weed free
(Umesh et al., 2024). Significant yield enhancement was seen after application of herbicide either solo or tank mix (Fig 1). Higher grain yield was noted by application of atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha + pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (Tank mix) (PE) fb HW at 20DAS and atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha (PE) fb 2,4-D sodium salt @ 0.50 kg ai/ha (PoE) 30DAS was lowest and was inferior in comparison to other treatments. Weed control directly affected weed density gradually reducing competition for crop and nutrient uptake is enhanced by crop indirectly increasing grain yield for particular treatment used, findings are supported by
Sivamurugan et al. (2017).
Stover yield
Distinct results were noticed in case of stover yield as according to other parameters atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha + pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (Tank mix) (PE) fb HW at 20DAS and weed free were nearby to each other (Table 2). But due to differences in early growth stage treatments, visible results can’t be unseen. The increment was noticed in treatments in which hand weeding was performed in comparison to chemical treatment used at post-emergence. Alike stats were noticed by application of atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha (PE) fb HW at 20 DAS and atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha + pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (Tank mix) (PE) fb HW at 20DAS with a slight change in weight result was followed by
Karde et al. (2020).
Biological yield
Weed free situation (176.06 q ha
-1) noted more biological yield in comparison to other treatments and way better than the control (116.16q ha
-1) (Table 2). The slight decrease in biological yield was noticed by application of atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha + pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (Tank mix) (PE) fb HW at 20DAS which was similar to atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha (PE) fb HW at 20 DAS with slight change, but was higher when compared to other treatments. which was found to be at par with T8, T7, T1, T6, T2, T3, T4, T5 and T10. The effect of weed control treatment can be noticed directly from the evidence from the field.
Harvest index
The data pertaining to harvest index of maize as influenced by different treatments are presented (Table 2). Data stating to harvest index reveals that no significant change was noticed in harvest index despite of various treatments. Still slight change was seen as higher harvest index was noted by application of pendimethalin @1kg ai/ha (PE) fb atrazine @0.75 kg ai/ha + 2,4-D amine salt @ 0.4 kg ai/ha (PoE) 25 DAS and lowest was noted in atrazine @ 1 kg ai/ha (PE) fb 2,4-D amine salt @ 1 kg ai/ha (PoE) 25 DAS.
Chlorophyll content
The data pertaining to plant chlorophyll of maize as influenced by different treatments are presented in (Table 1). Study of effect of weed management on chlorophyll content states that no significant variation was noted. Slight variation was noted in weedy check and other treatments. In such cases nutrient management techniques can play an important role in chlorophyll fluctuation, but weed management won’t have such effect as application of nutrients was given according to the recommended dose of fertilizer. On the other hand, an increase in chlorophyll was noted at 80 DAS, which can be due to climate change or may be because of a decrease in the weed population.
Soil attributes influenced by weed management
The data about soil pH of maize as influenced by different treatments are presented in (Fig 2). Observations recorded for soil pH revealed that there is no such high impact observed and recorded on field. Similar results were noted by Pennsylvania state university when they studied persistence of herbicides in soil and noted that higher pH soils frequently digest herbicides more slowly through chemical and microbiological breakdown than lower-pH soils. As the soil pH rises, especially above pH 7.0, the chemical breakdown rate of the triazine and sulfonylurea herbicide families slows.
Observations recorded for soil EC reveal that no noteworthy change was recorded during the Analysis (Fig 2). The study says that salinity has a profound impact on the biochemistry, physiology and growth of weeds as each species will react to salt stress differently. In fact, the positively charged hard water cations will bond to the negatively charged herbicide molecule and hinder the herbicide’s ability to penetrate the plant. Although, lowest EC was recorded by pendimethalin @ 1kg ai/ha (PE) fb tembotrione @ 120 g ai/ha (PoE) 30DAS and highest was recorded by atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha (PE) fb 2,4-D sodium salt @ 0.50 kg ai/ha (PoE) 30 DAS and was tantamount to atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha (PE) fb tembotrione @ 120 g ai/ha (PoE) 20 DAS and atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha + pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (Tank mix) (PE) fb HW at 20DAS.
Organic carbon (%)
The data pertaining to soil organic carbon of maize, as influenced by different treatments, are presented in (Fig 2). Observations recorded for organic carbon have noted desirable changes while analysis as high organic carbon was noted by application of pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (PE) fb atrazine @0.75 kg ai/ha + 2,4-D amine salt @ 0.4 kg ai/ha (PoE) 25 DAS and lowest by application of pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (PE) fb 2,4-D amine salt @ 1 kg ai/ha (PoE) 25 DAS, by keeping one condition in mind that soil carbon levels are also influenced by climate conditions such as temperature and rainfall.
Available nitrogen (kg/ha)
Study and analysis of soil nitrogen levels revealed that highest nitrogen status was noted by application of atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha (PE) fb 2,4-D sodium salt @ 0.50 kg ai/ha (PoE) 30 DAS which might be due to low growth rate in that treatment and lowest was noted by application of pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (PE)
fb tembotrione @ 120 g ai/ha (PoE) 30 DAS (Fig 3), which can be due to leaching of excess water removes water-soluble nutrients out of the soil, by runoff or drainage. Also nitrogen uptake rate not only depends on weed infestation but also on weeds species affecting certain area. High nutrient uptake is seen where weeds are controlled satisfactorily. The results noted were in accordance with study done by
Oyeogbe et al. (2018) who noted lower. Nitrogen level in plots with herbicidal combinations as compared to the weedy check.
Available phosphorus(kg/ha)
Data about the study of available phosphorus in soil and the effect of herbicide on it states that (Fig 3), variation was recorded in a view of the fact that non-identical nutrient uptake was observed according to treatments in which the highest phosphorus availability was noted by application of atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha (PE) fb HW at 20 DAS and lowest in atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha + pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (Tank mix) (PE) fb HW at 20DAS and was at par with atrazine @ 1 kg ai/ha (PE) fb 2,4-D amine salt @ 1 kg ai/ha (PoE) 25 DAS. Results noted were under study done by
Oyeogbeet al. (2018) who noted lower phosphorus level in plots with herbicidal combinations as compared to weedy check.
Available potassium(kg/ha)
Study and analysis of data concerning to nutrient called potassium revealed that variation was noted weed free and weedy check treatments were compared to other treatments. However, the minimum alteration was noted when data was observed carefully (Fig 3). Application of atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha (PE) fb 2,4-D sodium salt @ 0.50 kg ai/ha (PoE) 30DAS and atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha (PE) fb HW at 20 DAS noted nearly similar results and also recorded high potassium content in the soil. Lower potassium level in soil was noted by application of pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (PE) fb tembotrione @ 120 g ai/ha (PoE) 30DAS and was slightly low to atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha + pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (Tank mix) (PE) fb HW at 20DAS. Here, weed free also noted lowest potassium level in soil. The findings were consistent with the findings of
Oyeogbe et al. (2018), who discovered decreased potassium levels in herbicidal combination plots compared to weedy control plots.
Weed attributes in maize influenced by weed management
Weed density (No of weed m-2)
The data about weed density in maize as influenced by different treatments (Table 3). It is expressed that, 20 DAS variation was noted as different dosages of varied herbicides were incorporated in the field. The lowest weed density was recorded by atrazine @ 1 kg ai/ha (PE) fb 2,4-D amine salt @ 1 kg ai/ha (PoE) 25 DAS and higher weed infestation was observed by application of atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha (PE) fb HW at 20 DAS and At 40 DAS, due to change in post-emergence treatments and dosage, lowest weed density was noted by atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha + pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (Tank mix) (PE) fb HW at 20DAS and At 60 DAS higher weed density was noted by application of atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha (PE) fb 2,4-D sodium salt @ 0.50 kg ai/ha (PoE) 30DAS, which was similar to performance at 40 DAS due to the less effective nature of herbicide. At 80 DAS significant reduction in density was noted due to the completion of the weed’s lifecycle. As herbicide action was already done, there’s no way for other treatments to perform better than atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha + pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (Tank mix) (PE) fb HW at 20 DAS. At harvest, atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha + pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (Tank mix) (PE) fb HW at 20DAS gave significant results by controlling weed infestation, as atrazine is absorbed by the roots before being transferred to the aerial portions. The results noted were following a study done by
Barua et al. (2019).
Weed control efficiency (%)
At 20 DAS, the highest weed control efficiency (Table-3) was noted by atrazine @ 1 kg ai/ha (PE) fb 2,4-D amine salt @ 1 kg ai/ha(PoE) 25 DAS against all treatments. At 40 DAS, highest weed control efficiency was noted by atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha + pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (Tank mix) (PE) fb HW at 20 DAS and has performed excellent against all treatments. At 60 DAS, decrease in weed control efficiency was observed. Implementation of atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha + pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (Tank mix) (PE) fb HW at 20DAS recorded higher weed control efficiency. At 80 DAS, an increase in weed control efforts was noticed. Higher weed control efficiency was noted by application of atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha + pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (Tank mix) (PE) fb HW at 20 DAS and At harvest, atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha + pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha (Tank mix) (PE) fb HW at 20DAS and atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha (PE) fb 2,4-D sodium salt @ 0.50 kg ai/ha (PoE) 30DAS have recorded highest and lowest weed control efficiency as noted on the field. The results noted were from a study done by
Barua et al. (2019) and
Sahoo et al. (2024).
Weed index
Weed index observations are calculated by using yield data of certain treatments to judge the performance of treatment implementation. The weed index is inversely proportional to the yield parameters. Using weed index as a parameter to understand weed destruction on the field, has shown better results according to the treatments. The highest weed index was noted (Table 3) by atrazine @ 0.50 kg ai/ha (PE) fb 2,4-D sodium salt @ 0.50 kg ai/ha (PoE) 30 DAS.