Development of Soil Test Crop Response (Stcr) and Stcr-Integrated Plant Nutrition Supply (Ipns) Models to Achieve Targeted Yields of Maize (Zea mays L.) in Vertisols of Northern Karnataka
Estimation of Nutrient Uptake and Available Nutrient Status of Rabi Safflower Through Soil Test Crop Response in Rainfed Ecosystem
Soil test crop response based integrated plant nutrition system for hybrid castor on an Alfisol
Effect of Integrated Plant Nutrient Management based on Soil Test Crop Response on Primary Plant Nutrients Uptake and Quality Parameters of Blackgram on Alfisols in Western Zone of Tamil Nadu, India
Soil fertility and on-farm crop response to NPK and Zn fertilization in rice-rice cropping sequence of Lower Brahmaputra Valley Zone of Assam
Integrated Nutrient Management: Effect on Soil Properties and Crop Yields on Sandy Clay Loam Soil under Maize-wheat Cropping System
Productivity, economics and soil fertility of soybean - safflower cropping system in response to nutrient management practices
Differential responses of arable crops with gamhar (Gmelina arborea) and mango (Mangifera indica) based agroforestry system in red and lateritic soils of West Bengal, India
Enhancing Soil Fertility and Crop Productivity through Crop Residue Management: A Review